759th Audio
Audio Clips
Date: | 14.2.2025 |
Time: | 2:30 p.m. |
Venue: | Conference Room (Room 1537) 15/F, North Point Government Offices 333 Java Road, North point, Hong Kong |
Agenda Item | Audio Recording |
Confirmation of Minutes of the 758th (24.1.2025) Meeting | Listen/Download |
Matters Arising | Listen/Download |
Sha Tin, Tai Po & North District | |
Section 12A Application No. Y/ST/60 (Request for Deferral) Application for Amendment to the Approved Sha Tin Outline Zoning Plan No. S/ST/38, To rezone the application site from “Village Type Development” to “Government, Institution or Community (1)”, Lot Nos. 63 and 296 (part) in D.D. 185, Sheung Wo Che, Sha Tin (Open Meeting) |
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Fanling, Sheung Shui & Yuen Long East District | |
Section 12A Application No. Y/YL-KTN/4 (Request for Deferral) Application for Amendment to the Approved Kam Tin North Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-KTN/11, To rezone the application site from “Open Space” and “Residential (Group C) 2” to “Residential (Group C)4” and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site, Lots 121, 137, 138, 139, 144, 145, 519 RP (Part) and 520 RP in D.D. 110 and Adjoining Government Land, Kam Tin Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 12A Application No. Y/YL-KTN/5 Application for Amendment to the Approved Kam Tin North Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-KTN/11, To rezone the application site from “Agriculture” to “Government, Institution or Community (1)”, Lot 1171 S.B in D.D. 109, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 12A Application No. Y/YL-NSW/8 (Request for Deferral) Application for Amendment to the Draft Nam Sang Wai Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-NSW/9, To rezone the application site from “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area” to “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area 1”, Lots 8 RP (Part), 8 S.A RP, 12, 13, 14 S.B ss.2, 14 S.B RP, 14 S.C RP, 16, 17, 31 S.B RP, 33 RP, 36 RP, 45, 55 S.A and 1740 S.A RP in D.D.107 and Adjoining Government Land, West of Castle Peak Road – Tam Mi, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 12A Application No. Y/YL-NSW/9 (Request for Deferral) Application for Amendment to the Draft Nam Sang Wai Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-NSW/9, To rezone the application site from “Industrial (Group D)”, “Open Storage” and area shown as ‘Road’ to “Residential (Group E)”, Lots 1910 RP (Part) and 1743 S.C RP (Part) in D.D. 107 and Adjoining Government Land, West of Castle Peak Road – Tam Mi, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Sai Kung & Islands District | |
Section 16 Application No. A/SK-HC/364 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Minor Relaxation of Building Height Restriction for Permitted House Development in “Residential (Group C) 2” Zone, Lot 214 in D.D. 219 and the Extension Thereto and adjoining Government Land, Tin Shek Road, Sai Kung (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/SK-PK/303 Renewal of Planning Approval for Temporary Private Swimming Pool and Garden for a Period of 3 Years in “Green Belt” Zone, Lot 1122 Ext. (Part) in D.D. 217 and Adjoining Government Land, House B5, Habitat, Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/SK-TLS/66 Proposed Minor Relaxation of Site Coverage and Building Height Restrictions for Permitted Residential Development in “Residential (Group C) 1” Zone, 8 Ka Shue Road, Tseng Lan Shue, Sai Kung (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/SLC/188 Public Utility Installation (Public Utility Pipeline) and Associated Filling and Excavation of Land in “Coastal Protection Area” Zone, Government Land at Upper Cheung Sha Beach, Lantau Island (Open Meeting) |
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Sha Tin, Tai Po & North District | |
Section 16 Application No. A/ST/1035 Proposed Shop and Services in “Industrial (1)” Zone, Portion of G/F, Koon Wah Building, No. 2 Yuen Shun Circuit, Yuen Chau Kok, Sha Tin (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/TP/702 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Minor Relaxation of Building Height Restriction for Permitted Social Welfare Facility in “Government, Institution or Community” Zone, Taxlord Lot T77 RP in D.D. 34, Tai Po (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-LT/777 Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House) in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 1573 in D.D. 8, Ma Po Mei, Tai Po (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-KLH/645 Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lot 42 (Part) in D.D. 7, Tai Po (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-PK/211 Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 1594 S.C in D.D. 91, Kai Leng, Sheung Shui (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-PK/212 Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 1594 S.F in D.D. 91, Kai Leng, Sheung Shui (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-SSH/161 Proposed Public Utility Installation (Underground Cable and Pole) and Associated Excavation and Filling of Land in “Conservation Area” and “Coastal Protection Area” Zones, Government Land in D.D. 209 near Kei Ling Ha Lo Wai, Shap Sz Heung, Sai Kung (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-TK/831 (Withdrawal) Proposed Temporary Private Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 3 Years in “Agriculture” and “Village Type Development” Zones, Lots 256 S.A ss.3 and 256 S.A RP in D.D. 17, Ting Kok, Tai Po (Open Meeting) |
Section 16 Application No. A/NE-TKL/773 (Request for Deferral) Temporary Logistics Centre for a Period of 3 Years in “Open Storage” and “Agriculture” Zones, Lots 456 RP, 459, 460, 461, 462 and 2229 RP in D.D. 83, Kwan Tei, Fanling (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-TKL/782 Proposed Temporary Warehouse for Storage of Food for a Period of Three Years in “Open Storage” Zone and Area shown as ‘Road’, Lots 444 (Part), 445 (Part), 446 (Part), 449 (Part), 450 (Part), 451 (Part), 452 (Part), 453 (Part), 456 (Part), 457 (Part), 458, 461 (Part), 462 (Part), 463 (Part), 464 (Part), 466, 468 (Part), 469 (Part), 470 (Part) and 471 (Part) in D.D. 77 and Adjoining Government Land (GL), Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-TKLN/88 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Pond in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 777 (Part) in D.D. 78, Ta Kwu Ling North (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-MUP/212 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Machinery, Planters and Landscaping Materials with Ancillary Site Office for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 21, 23, 24, 25 and 26 in D.D. 38 and Lot 803 in D.D. 46 and Adjoining Government Land, Man Uk Pin (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-LYT/839 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 236 S.B ss.1 (Part), 261 S.A (Part) & 262 S.A (Part) in D.D. 85, Fu Tei Pai, Fanling (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-LYT/840 Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 1574 S.D ss.1 in D.D. 76, Kan Tau Tsuen, Fanling (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-LYT/841 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Materials and Machineries with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” and “Residential (Group C)” Zones, Various Lots in D.D. 83 and Adjoining Government Land, Lung Yeuk Tau, Fanling (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-LYT/842 Proposed Public Utility Installation (Fresh Water Pumping Station) and Associated Filling of Land in “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Amenity Area”, “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Petrol Filling Station” and “Agriculture” Zones, Government Land at Tai Wo Service Road East, Tong Hang, Fanling (Open Meeting) |
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Fanling, Sheung Shui & Yuen Long East District | |
Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTN/1023 (Withdrawal) Proposed Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land and Pond in “Agriculture” Zone, Various Lots in D.D. 107 and Adjoining Government Land, Fung Kat Heung, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTN/1075 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Animal Boarding Establishment with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 1142 (Part) in D.D 109, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTN/1076 (Request for Deferral) Temporary Public Vehicle Park (excluding Container Vehicle) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 555 S.A ss.1 (Part), 1435 S.A (Part) and 1451 (Part) in D.D. 109, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTN/1077 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (excluding Container Vehicles) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 38 (Part) in D.D. 110, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTN/1078 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 913 RP (Part), 920 RP (Part) and 926 RP (Part) in D.D. 107, Fung Kat Heung, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTS/1035 Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Vehicles for Sale (including New/Used Vehicles) for a Period of 3 Years in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 512 RP (Part) and 515 (Part) in D.D. 103 and Adjoining Government Land, Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-KTS/1051 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Warehouse (Excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Office for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 299 RP (Part) in D.D. 113, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-NSW/334 (Rescheduled) Proposed Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area” Zone, Lots 1212 S.A ss.2 (Part) and 1212 S.A ss.3 (Part) in D.D. 115 and Adjoining Government Land, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
Section 16 Application No. A/YL-NSW/337 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Warehouse for Storage of New Vehicles with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area” and “Residential (Group D)” Zones, Lot 3719 S.C RP (Part) in D.D. 104, Pok Wai, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PH/1032 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 336 S.D, 336 S.H and 336 RP (Part) in D.D. 111, Pat Heung, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PH/1041 Temporary Private Vehicle Park (excluding Container Vehicle) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 2053 S.A ss.1 (Part), 2053 S.A ss.2 (Part), 2053 S.A ss.3 (Part) and 2053 S.A RP (Part) in D.D. 111, Pat Heung, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PH/1042 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services (Motor-vehicle Showroom) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 2623, 2624, 2625 (Part) and 2632 (Part) in D.D. 111, Pat Heung, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PH/1043 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services (Motor-vehicle Showroom) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” and “Village Type Development” Zones, Lots 2612 (Part), 2616 (Part) and 2819 (Part) in D.D. 111 and Adjoining Government Land, Pat Heung, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-MP/381 Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Excluding Container Vehicle) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Pond and Land in “Residential (Group D)” Zone, Lot 4822 (Part) in D.D. 104, Mai Po, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-MP/383 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years in “Open Space” Zone, Lot 2879 RP (Part) in D.D.104, Mai Po, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-MP/384 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Social Welfare Facility (Residential Care Home for the Elderly), Shop and Services (Medical Consulting Room including Clinic) and Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 76 S.G (Part) and 76 S.H (Part) in D.D. 101 and Adjoining Government Land, Mai Po, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-SK/398 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 386 S.A in D.D. 112, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-SK/400 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 110 S.A RP, 110 S.B, 110 S.C, 110 S.D ss.1 S.A, 110 S.D ss. 1 RP, 110 S.D ss.2, 110 S.D ss.3 and 110 S.D RP in D.D. 112, Shek Kong, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-SK/401 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years in “Residential (Group D)” Zone, Lots 839 (Part) and 840 in D.D. 114 and Adjoining Government Land, Shek Kong, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/NE-KTS/548 Proposed Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Office for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 424 S.A (Part) in D.D. 94, Kwu Tung South, Sheung Shui (Open Meeting) |
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Tuen Mun & Yuen Long West District | |
Section 16 Application No. A/TM/596 (Request for Deferral) Shop and Services in “Industrial” Zone, Workshop Unit 2, G/F, Wah Wan Industrial Building, 2 Kin Fat Lane, Tuen Mun (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/TM-LTYY/483 (Request for Deferral) Temporary Heavy Goods Vehicle Park, Open Storage of Construction Materials and Machinery with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lot 2336 (Part) in D.D. 130, Nai Wai, Tuen Mun (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/TM-SKW/129 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 247 (Part) and 248 (Part) in D.D. 385, So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-HTF/1182 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Materials for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lot 298 RP (Part) in D.D. 128, Ha Tsuen, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-LFS/545 Proposed Radar Installation (Phased Array Weather Radar System) in “Government, Institution or Community” Zone, Roof Floor, Former Lau Fau Shan Police Station, 1 Shan Tung Street, Lau Fau Shan, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PN/83 Proposed Temporary Field Study, Education and Visitor Centre for a Period of 3 Years in “Coastal Protection Area” Zone, Lots 68 (Part), 69 (Part), 70 (Part) and 71 (Part) in D.D. 135, Pak Nai, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PS/742 Renewal of Planning Approval for Temporary Warehouse (Storage of Used and New Construction Materials and Equipment) for a Period of 3 Years in “Comprehensive Development Area” Zone, Lots 763 RP, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 771 and 772 S.B in D.D.122, East of Yung Yuen Road, Ping Shan, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PS/743 Proposed Temporary Warehouse for a Period of 3 Years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 115 RP (Part), 116 RP and 201 RP (Part) in D.D. 126, Ping Shan, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-PS/744 Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars, Light Goods Vehicles and Light Buses) for a Period of 5 Years and associated Filling of Land in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 448, 449 RP (Part), 450 (Part), 451 (Part), 452 RP (Part) and 457 RP (Part) in D.D. 122, Hang Mei Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TYST/1296 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years in “Residential (Group B) 1” Zone, Lot 2661 in D.D. 124, Hung Shui Kiu, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TYST/1297 Proposed Temporary Animal Boarding Establishment (Dog Kennel) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling and Excavation of Land in “Green Belt” Zone, Lots 917 (Part), 937 S.A (Part) and 937 S.B (Part) in D.D. 119, Pak Sha Tsuen, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TT/687 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Animal Boarding Establishment with Ancillary Facilities and Associated Filling of Land for a Period of 5 Years in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 1750, 1780 (Part), 1840 (Part) and 1845 in D.D. 119, Tai Tong, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TT/688 (Request for Deferral) Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 579 (Part) and 580 RP (Part) in D.D. 117 and adjoining Government Land, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TT/689 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services (Sale of Vehicle Parts and Accessories) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years in “Government, Institution or Community (1)” Zone, Lot 1670 S.A in D.D. 119, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TT/690 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years in “Village Type Development” Zone, Lots 1775 S.I (Part), 1775 S.J (Part),1775 S.K (Part),1775 S.O (Part),1775 S.Q (Part),1775 S.R (Part),1775 S.S (Part) in D.D. 119, Tai Tong, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TT/691 (Request for Deferral) Proposed Temporary Animal Boarding Establishment with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years and Associated Filling of Land in “Agriculture” Zone, Lots 1385 S.A (Part), 1385 RP, 1386 (Part), 1387 S.A and 1387 S.B in D.D. 117, Tai Tong, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Section 16 Application No. A/YL-TT/692 Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years in “Residential (Group D)” Zone, Lot 4058 RP in D.D. 116 and adjoining Government Land, Tai Kei Leng, Yuen Long (Open Meeting) |
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Any Other Business | Listen/Download |
The above information is provided for easy reference of the general public. Under no circumstances will the Town Planning Board accept any liabilities for the use of the above information nor for any inaccuracies or discrepancies of the information provided. In case of doubt, clarification should always be sought from the Secretariat of the Town Planning Board.