Applications under Processing

The Town Planning Ordinance as amended in 2023 (the Amended Ordinance) takes effect on 1.9.2023. Under the Amended Ordinance, there is no statutory provision for the public to make comments on s.12A applications if they are submitted on or after 1.9.2023. The s.12A applications currently inviting comments below are submitted before 1.9.2023.

Sha Tin, Tai Po & North

Section 12A Application for amendment of plan

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Section 12A Application for amendment of plan for
Application No. Location Proposed Use / Development Tentative Date of Meeting Expiry Date for Making Comment
Y/NE-LYT/16 Various Lots in D.D. 83 and Adjoining Government Land, Lung Yeuk Tau, Fanling, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Residential (Group C)" and "Agriculture" to "Residential (Group A) 2" and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site 28/03/2025
Y/NE-MKT/1 Various Lots in D.D. 82 and 86 and Adjoining Government Land, Man Kam To, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Agriculture", "Green Belt" and "Government, Institution or Community" zones to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Innovation and Technology Hub" zone 28/03/2025
Y/NE-STK/6 Lots 1421 (Part), 1422 S.B (Part), 1423 S.B (Part), 1423 S.C (Part) and 1423 S.D (Part) in D.D. 41, Tong To, Sha Tau Kok, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Village Type Development" to "Government, Institution or Community (1)" 11/04/2025
Y/NE-TK/19 Lots 232 S.A ss.1, 232 S.A ss.2, 232 S.A ss.3, 232 S.A ss.4, 232 S.A ss.5, 232 S.A ss.6, 232 S.A ss.7, 232 S.A ss.8, 232 S.A ss.9, 232 S.A ss.10, 232 S.A ss.11, 232 S.A ss.12, 232 S.A ss.13, 232 S.A ss.14, 232 S.A RP, 232 S.B ss.1, 232 S.B ss.2, 232 S.B ss.3, 232 S.B ss.4, 232 S.B ss.5, 232 S.B ss.6, 232 S.B ss.7, 232 S.B ss.8, 232 S.B ss.9, 232 S.B ss.10, 232 S.B ss.11, 232 S.B ss.12, 232 S.B ss.13, 232 S.B ss.14, 232 S.B ss.15, 232 S.B ss.16, 232 S.B ss.17, 232 S.B ss.18, 232 S.B ss.19, 232 S.B ss.20, 232 S.B ss.21, 232 S.B ss.22, 232 S.B ss.23, 232 S.B ss.24, 232 S.B ss.25, 232 S.B ss.26, 232 S.B ss.27, 232 S.B RP, 232 S.C, 232 S.D, 232 S.E, 232 RP, 233 S.A, 233 S.B, 233 S.C, 233 S.D, 233 S.E, 233 S.F, 233 S.G, 233 S.H, 233 S.I, 233 S.J, 233 S.K, 233 S.L, 233 S.M, 233 RP, 237 S.A, 237 S.B, 237 S.C, 237 S.D, 237 S.E, 237 S.F, 237 S.G, 237 S.H, 237 S.I, 237 S.J, 237 S.K, 237 S.L, 237 S.M, 237 S.N, 237 S.O, 237 S.P, 237 S.Q, 237 S.R, 237 RP, 239 S.A, 239 S.B, 239 S.C, 239 S.D, 239 S.E, 239 S.F, 239 S.G and 239 RP in D.D. 23, Tung Tsz, Tai Po, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" and "Green Belt" to "Government, Institution or Community" 02/05/2025
Y/NE-TKL/4 Various Lots in D.D. 77 and 84 and Adjoining Government Land, Ping Che, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" and "Green Belt" to “Residential (Group A)”, “Residential (Group A)1” and “Government, Institution or Community” and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site 28/03/2025
Y/ST/60 Lot Nos. 63 and 296 (part) in D.D. 185, Sheung Wo Che, Sha Tin, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Village Type Development" to "Government, Institution or Community (1)" 14/02/2025
Y/TP/38 Tai Po Town Lot 183 S.A ss.1 (Part) and 183 S.A ss.2 (Part), Various Lots in D.D. 11 and Adjoining Government Land, Fung Yuen, Tai Po, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Comprehensive Development Area(1)” to “Residential (Group B)13” and amend the building height restriction on a "Government, Institution or Community" site from 2 storeys to 8 storeys 11/04/2025
Y/TP/39 Lots 1087 and 1130 in D.D. 6 and adjoining Government Land, Kam Shan, Tai Po, New Territories To rezone the application site from "Village Type Development" to "Government, Institution or Community (3)" and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site 11/04/2025

Remarks: If “N/A” indicated under ‘Expiry Date for Making Comments’, it means that the application is submitted after the commencement of the Amended Ordinance, and thus invitation of comments is not applicable.

Section 16 Application for permission

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Section 16 Application for permission for
Application No. Location Proposed Use / Development Tentative Date of Meeting Expiry Date for Making Comment
A/MOS/130 Government Land Adjoining Lot 1053 in D.D. 167, Nai Chung Village, Sai Kung North, New Territories Proposed House (Private Garden Ancillary to House) 28/03/2025
A/NE-FTA/258 Lots 471 S.B RP (Part), 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 482 RP, 483, 484, 486, 487 RP, 497 S.A RP, 501, 502, 504 S.B, 505 and 506 S.B RP in D.D. 89 and Adjoining Government Land, Man Kam To Road, Sha Ling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Cold Storage for Poultry and Distribution Centre for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/02/2025
A/NE-FTA/259 Lot 141 RP (Part) in D.D. 52, Fu Tei Au, Sheung Shui, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-HLH/78 Lot 223 RP (Part) in D.D. 83, Siu Hang Tsuen, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Private Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of Three Years 28/02/2025
A/NE-HLH/79 Lot 397 in D.D. 87, Hung Lung Hang, New Territories Temporary Warehouse for Storage of Office Stationery and Equipment Supplies for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-HLH/80 Lots 166 (Part), 167 (Part), 169 (Part), 170 and 174 (Part) in D.D. 87, Hung Lung Hang, New Territories Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Materials with Ancillary Facilities and Associated Filling of Land for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-HT/22 Various Lots in D.D. 76 and Adjoining Government Land, Hok Tau, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Horse Riding Centre and Barbecue Site) and Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 24/01/2025
A/NE-HT/23 Various Lots in D.D. 76, San Uk Tsai, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Utility Installation (Solar Photovoltaic System) for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-HT/24 Lots 855 S.D (Part), 855 S.E (Part), 857 and 858 (Part) in D.D. 76, Hok Tau Wai, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Excluding Container Vehicle) for a Period of 5 Years 28/03/2025
A/NE-KLH/646 Lot 1704 RP in D.D. 7, Tai Hang Tsuen, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Private Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 3 Years 28/03/2025
A/NE-KLH/649 Lot 37 RP (Part) in D.D 7, Kau Lung Hang, Tai Po, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (excluding Container Vehicles) with Ancillary Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities and Utility Installation for Private Project (Solar Photovoltaic System) for a Period of 5 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-KLH/650 Lots 617 S.B ss.1 and 618 S.B RP (Part) in D.D. 9 and Adjoining Government Land, Nam Wa Po, Kau Lung Hang, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Warehouse for Storage of Exhibition Equipment for a Period of 3 Years 28/02/2025
A/NE-KLH/651 Lots 735 S.A, 735 RP, 736 S.A, 736 S.B, 736 S.C and 736 RP in D.D. 9, Yuen Leng Village, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars and Light Goods Vehicles) for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-KLH/652 Lots 859 S.A, 859 RP and Taxlord Lot 860 (Part) in D.D. 9, Yuen Leng Village, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars and Light Goods Vehicles) for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-KLH/653 Lot 48 RP (Part) in D.D. 7, Tai Hang Village, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 5 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-LT/772 Government Land Adjoining to Lot 2471 in D.D. 19, G/F, 4C Fong Ma Po, Lam Tsuen, Tai Po, N.T. Proposed Temporary Eating Place (Outside Seating Accommodation of a Restaurant) for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
A/NE-LT/774 Lots 882 S.A and 882 RP in D.D. 19, She Shan Village, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 3 Years 24/01/2025
A/NE-LT/778 Lots 694 RP (Part) and 695 RP in D.D. 19, She Shan Tsuen, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Private Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 3 Years 02/05/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-LT/779 Lot 701 RP (Part) in D.D. 19, She Shan Tsuen, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Private Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 3 Years 02/05/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-LYT/836 Lots 1406 S.B ss.1 S.A, 1406 S.B ss.1 RP, 1406 S.B ss.2 RP, 1406 S.B ss.3 RP, 1406 S.B RP, 1407 S.A. RP and 1407 RP (Part) in D.D. 83 and Adjoining Government Land, San Uk Tsuen, Lung Yuek Tau, Fanling, New Territorities Temporary Private Vehicle Park with Office and Storage Room for a Period of 3 Years 28/03/2025
A/NE-LYT/838 Lot 1582 in D.D. 76, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Utility Installation (Solar Photovoltaic System) for a Period of 5 Years 24/01/2025
A/NE-LYT/839 Lots 236 S.B ss.1 (Part), 261 S.A (Part) & 262 S.A (Part) in D.D. 85, Fu Tei Pai, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years 14/02/2025
A/NE-LYT/841 Various Lots in D.D. 83 and Adjoining Government Land, Lung Yeuk Tau, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Materials and Machineries with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 14/02/2025
A/NE-LYT/843 Lot 1772 S.A in D.D. 76, Leng Pei Tsuen, Fanling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 28/02/2025
A/NE-LYT/844 Lot 639 S.C in D.D. 83, Kwan Tei Village, Fanling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-LYT/845 Lots 1752 (Part), 1753 and 1762 in D.D. 76, Leng Pei Tsuen, Lung Yeuk Tau, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars Only) and Associated Filling of Land for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-LYT/846 Lot 386 RP in D.D. 85, Fanling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Office and Associated Filling of Land for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-MKT/40 Lots 589 and 590 RP in D.D. 90, Lin Ma Hang Road, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse for Storage of Construction Materials and Furniture for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 24/01/2025
A/NE-MKT/42 Lots 788, 792, 793 RP, 794 RP, 795, 796 RP (Part) and 803 RP (Part) in D.D. 82, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse (Excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years 28/03/2025
A/NE-MKT/43 Lot 758 RP (Part) in D.D. 82, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse for Storage of Vehicle Parts for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-MKT/44 Lots 665 S.A (Part), 666 S.A (Part), 667, 669 S.B RP and 685 in D.D. 90 and Adjoining Government Land, Lin Ma Hang Road, Man Kam To, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse (Excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) and Associated Filling of Land for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-MTL/11 Lots 1219, 1222, 1223, 1226, 1228, 1230, 1242, 1243 and 1244 in D.D. 96 and Adjoining Government Land, Ma Tso Lung, New Territories Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/02/2025
A/NE-MTL/12 Lots 1275 (Part), 1279 (Part), 1280, 1281 (Part), 1282 and 1284 (Part) in D.D. 96, Ma Tso Lung, New Territories Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/03/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-MUP/210 Lot 57 (Part) in D.D. 46, Tai Tong Wu, Sha Tau Kok, New Territories Proposed Temporary Private Car Park (Private Cars Only) for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-MUP/211 Lots 815 and 816 S.B RP in D.D. 46, Sha Tau Kok, New Territories Proposed Temporary Logistic Centre for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/02/2025
A/NE-MUP/212 Lots 21, 23, 24, 25 and 26 in D.D. 38 and Lot 803 in D.D. 46 and Adjoining Government Land, Man Uk Pin, New Territories Temporary Open Storage of Construction Machinery, Planters and Landscaping Material with Ancillary Site Office for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 14/02/2025
A/NE-MUP/213 Lots 145 (Part), 146 (Part), 147 RP (Part) and 175 RP (Part) in D.D. 38, Man Uk Pin, New Territories Temporary Warehouse (excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Office for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-MUP/214 Lots 107 (Part), 109 (Part), 115 (Part), 116 (Part), 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 S.A, 124 S.B, 125, 126 (Part), 127 (Part), 128 (Part), 131, 133 (Part), 134, 135 (Part), 136, 141, 142, 143, 144 RP (Part), 148, 150, 151 and 152 in D.D. 38 and adjoining Government Land, Sha Tau Kok, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/03/2025
A/NE-SSH/162 Lots 15 RP(Part), 18(Part) and 19(Part) in D.D. 207 and Adjoining Government Land, Sai Sha, Shap Sz Heung, New Territories Proposed Temporary Retrievable Tiebacks and Associated Excavation of Land for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-STK/28 Lot 233 S.B RP (Part) in D.D. 41 and Adjoining Government Land, Sha Tau Kok, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle) for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
A/NE-TK/800 Various Lots in D.D. 26, Shuen Wan Chim Uk, Ting Kok, Tai Po, New Territories Temporary Private Vehicle Park (Private Cars and Light Goods Vehicles Only) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/02/2025
A/NE-TK/822 Government Land in D.D. 23, Ting Kok, Tai Po, New Territories Proposed Public Utility Installation (High Voltage Pillar) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TK/832 Various Lots in D.D. 17 and Adjoining Government Land, Ting Kok, Tai Po, New Territories Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp, Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site and Hobby Farm) and Eating Place with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 28/02/2025
A/NE-TK/833 Lots 715 S.B RP (Part) and 715 RP (Part) in D.D. 28, Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po, New Territories Proposed Temporary Eating Place for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-TKL/773 Lots 456 RP, 459, 460, 461, 462 and 2229 RP in D.D. 83, Kwan Tei, Fanling, New Territories Temporary Logistics Centre for a Period of 3 Years 14/02/2025
A/NE-TKL/777 Lot 1902 S.A RP in D.D. 76, Leng Tsai Tsuen, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land 28/02/2025
A/NE-TKL/780 Lots 497, 498, 499 and 500 in D.D. 87, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Temporary Warehouse for Storage of Construction Materials for a Period of 3 Years 28/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/784 Lots 128 S.A and 128 S.B RP in D.D. 84, Ping Che, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse and Open Storage of Construction Materials for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/787 Lot 546 S.C ss. 1 in D.D. 77, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/788 Lot 546 S.A ss. 1 in D.D. 77, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/789 Lot 546 S.D ss. 1 in D.D. 77, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/790 Lot 546 S.E ss. 1 in D.D. 77, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/791 Lot 546 S.F ss. 1 in D.D. 77, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/792 Lot 546 S.I ss. 1 in D.D. 77, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed House (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKL/793 Lot 70 S.C ss.8 in D.D. 77, Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories Proposed Temporary Workshop for Prefabricated Components of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-TKLN/88 Lot 777 (Part) in D.D. 78, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Pond 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-TKLN/89 Various Lots in D.D. 80 and Adjoining Government Land, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse (Timber and Other Associated Materials) for a Period of 3 Years 24/01/2025
A/NE-TKLN/90 Lot 356 in D.D. 78, Tsung Yuen Ha, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Excluding Container Vehicle), Eating Place and Shop and Services (Local Provision Store with Ancillary Office and Store Room) for a Period of 3 Years 28/02/2025
A/NE-TKLN/93 Lot 87 RP (Part) in D.D. 82, Lin Ma Hang Road, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Proposed Temporary Warehouse (Excluding Dangerous Goods Godown) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years 28/02/2025
A/NE-TKLN/94 Lots 1650 (Part) and 1657 (Part) in D.D. 78, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Proposed Temporary Filling of Land for Vehicular Access for Permitted Agricultural Use for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKLN/95 Lot 390 RP (Part) in D.D. 78 and Adjoining Government Land, Tsung Yuen Ha, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Proposed Temporary Shop and Services (Local Provision Store) for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/NE-TKLN/96 Lots 20 RP (Part), 21 (Part), 22 (Part), 23 (Part) and 25 (Part) in D.D. 80, Ta Kwu Ling North, New Territories Temporary Holiday Camp for a Period of 3 Years 11/04/2025
Make Comment
A/NE-YTT/3 Lot 70 (Part) in D.D. 27 and adjoining Government Land, Yim Tin Tsai, Tai Po, New Territories Renewal of Planning Approval for Temporary Eating Place (Outside Seating Accommodation of a Restaurant) and Ancillary Vehicle Park for a Period of 3 Years 14/03/2025
A/ST/1031 Ground Floor (Portion) of an Existing Building known as Tao Miao Institute, No. 13 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, New Territories Eating Place (Restaurant) 24/01/2025
A/ST/1036 Government Land in D.D. 186, Tung Lo Wan Hill Road, Sha Tin, New Territories Proposed Utility Installation for Private Project (Pump Station for Salt and Fresh Water System) 28/02/2025
A/ST/1037 Unit B5, G/F, Block 1, Kin Ho Industrial Building, No. 14-24 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, New Territories Shop and Services (Fast Food Shop) 14/03/2025
A/TP/702 Taxlord Lot T77 RP in D.D. 34, Tai Po, New Territories Proposed Minor Relaxation of Building Height Restriction for Permitted Social Welfare Facility 11/04/2025

Section 17 Review of TPB's section 16 decision

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Section 17 Review of TPB's section 16 decision for
Application No. Location Proposed Use / Development Tentative Date of Meeting Expiry Date for Making Comment
A/NE-TK/824 Lots 408 RP, 410 RP (Part), 411 RP, 412 RP, 422 in D.D. 14, Tung Tsz, Tai Po, New Territories Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Cars and Medium Goods Vehicle) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land 07/03/2025
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