Page 111 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 111

Decisions on section 12A Applications for Amendment of Plan considered
by the Town Planning Board from 2012 to 2014 (Metro & New Town Areas)

擬議修訂                           決定           接納     部分接納       暫延處理           總數
Proposed Amendment             Decision    Agreed  Partially  Deferred       Total
2012                               不接納         1                   2           2
                               Not Agreed                                      9
                                               1                               1
「商業」                           1                   25                          5
 “Commercial”                  1                                               5
                               2                                          3    1
「政府、機構或社區」                     3                                          2
 “Government, Institution or                       1                           1
 Community”                    1
                                                                          1    1
「綠化地帶」                         8                   3 13                       25
 “Green Belt”

 “Other Specified Uses”


 “Government, Institution or
 Community” and “Residential”


 “Comprehensive Development
 Area", “Residential” and
 “Village Type Development”



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