Page 127 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 127

規劃指引編號 有關事項
TPB PG-No. Subject Matter

17 指定「綜合發展區」地帶及監察「綜合發展區」發展計劃的進度
                          Designation of “Comprehensive Development Area” (“CDA”) Zones and Monitoring the Progress of
                          “CDA” Developments

18A 根據城市規劃條例第 4A(2)條的規定呈交總綱發展藍圖
                          Submission of Master Layout Plan under Section 4A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance

20 履行規劃許可附帶條件的規定
                          Compliance of Approval Conditions

22D 在「其他指定用途」註明「商貿」地帶內進行的發展
                          Development within “Other Specified Uses (Business)” Zone

23A 擬在九龍塘花園洋房區開辦幼稚園 /幼兒中心,而根據城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                          Application for Kindergarten/Child Care Centre in Kowloon Tong Garden Estate under Section 16 of
                          the Town Planning Ordinance

24C 有關市區及新市鎮地區內的現有用途的釋義
                          Interpretation of Existing Use in the Urban and New Town Areas

25D 在「工業」地帶內進行的用途 /發展
                          Use/Development within “Industrial” Zone

26A 有關規劃許可停止生效的規定
                          Lapsing of Planning Permissions

27 提交概念圖則以支持按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                          Submission of Concept Plan in support of Section 16 Application

29A 提交及公布申述、對申述的意見及進一步申述
                          Submission and Publication of Representations, Comments on Representations and Further

30A 公布修訂圖則申請、規劃許可申請及覆核申請以及就各類申請提交意見
                          Publication of Applications for Amendment of Plan, Planning Permission and Review and Submission
                          of Comments on Various Applications

31A 按照第 12A 條及第 16 條的規定取得擁有人的同意 /向擁有人發給通知
                          'Owner’s Consent/Notification' Requirements under Sections 12A and 16

32 就修訂圖則申請、規劃許可申請及覆核申請提交進一步資料
                          Submission of Further Information in Relation to Applications for Amendment of Plan, Planning
                          Permission and Review

33 延期對申述、意見及進一步申述及申請作出決定
                          Deferment of Decision on Representations, Comments, Further Representations and Applications

34B 有關臨時用途或發展的規劃許可續期及延長履行規劃許可附帶條件的期限
                          Renewal of Planning Approval and Extension of Time for Compliance with Planning Conditions for
                          Temporary Use or Development

35C 延長展開發展的期限
                          Extension of Time for Commencement of Development

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