Page 50 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 50

48  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Appendix 1 - Plan Preparation

            Urban Renewal Authority Development Scheme Plans

             NAME OF PLAN                                           PLAN NO.        EXHIBITION DATE

             Chun Tin Street / Sung Chi Street                      S/K9/URA1/1        28/10/2016

             Hung Fook Street / Ngan Hon Street                     S/K9/URA2/1        28/10/2016

                                                                                      22 (2015)
             TOTAL NO. OF OZPs, DPA PLAN AND URA DSPs :                               20 (2016)

                                                                                      28 (2017)

            Notification of Proposed Amendment(s) to Plans under section 6C
            of the Town Planning Ordinance

            Outline Zoning Plans
             NAME OF PLAN                                           PLAN NO.        EXHIBITION DATE

             Tai O Town Centre                                      R/S/I-TOTC/1-A1     13/02/15
             Tai Po                                                 R/S/TP/25-A1        13/03/15

             Lai Chi Wo, Siu Tan and Sam A Tsuen                                        05/06/15
             Kwai Chung                                             R/S/KC/26-A1        24/07/15

             Po Toi Islands                                         R/S/I-PTI/1-A1      22/01/16

             Tsing Yi                                               R/S/TY/27-A1        22/07/16

             Yi O                                                   R/S/I-YO/1-A1       02/09/16

             Pak Sha O                                              R/S/NE-PSO/1*       09/09/16

             Kennedy Town and Mount Davis                           R/S/H1/20-A1        26/05/17

             Sai Ying Pun and Sheung Wan                            R/S/H3/30-A1        12/05/17

             Sha Tin                                                R/S/ST/33-A1        13/10/17
            * Amendments to Notes & ES only

                                                                                       4 (2015)

             TOTAL NO. OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT PLANS :                                   4 (2016)

                                                                                       3 (2017)
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