Page 82 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 82

80  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Appendix V   List of Town Planning Board Guidelines as at 31 December 2017

             TPB PG-No.        SUBJECT MATTER
                               Submission of Further Information in Relation to Applications for Amendment of Plan, Planning
                               Permission and Review
                               Deferment of Decision on Representations, Comments, Further Representations and
                               Renewal of Planning Approval and Extension of Time for Compliance with Planning Conditions
                               for Temporary Use or Development
             35C               Extension of Time for Commencement of Development

             36A               Class A and Class B Amendments to Approved Development Proposals

                               Designation of “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Rural Use” (“OU(RU)”) Zone and Application
                               For Development Within “OU(RU)” Zone under Section 16 of The Town Planning Ordinance
             39                Consultation With District Councils On Planning Briefs

             40                Application for Tutorial School under Section 16 of The Town Planning Ordinance
                               Guidelines on submissions of Visual Impact Assessment for Planning Applications to the Town
                               Planning Board
                               Designation of “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Mixed Use” (“OU(MU)”) Zone and
             42                Application For Development Within “OU(MU)” Zone under Section 16 of The Town Planning
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