Page 80 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 80


               Decisions on Section 12A Applications for Amendment of Plan considered by
               the Town Planning Board from 2018 to 2020 (Metro and New Town Areas)

                 PROPOSED AMENDMENT                DECISION

                 2018                                NOT       AGREED    PARTIALLY   DEFERRED    TOTAL
                                                   AGREED                 AGREED

                 “Comprehensive Development Area”     0           0          0          2           2

                 “Commercial”                         0           0          0          1           1

                 “Government, Institution or          0           0          0          2           2

                 “Government, Institution or
                 Community” and “Other Specified      1           0          0          0           1

                 “Government, Institution or          0           0          0          1           1
                 Community” and “Residential”

                 “Other Specified Uses”               1           0          0          3           4

                 “Religious Institution”              1           0          0          0           1

                 “Residential”                        3           0          0          5           8

                 Total                                6           0          0          14         20

                 PROPOSED AMENDMENT                DECISION

                 2019                                NOT       AGREED    PARTIALLY   DEFERRED    TOTAL
                                                   AGREED                 AGREED

                 “Comprehensive Development Area”     0           1          0          1           2

                 “Commercial”                         0           0          1          0           1

                 “Government, Institution or          1           0          0          5           6

                 “Open Space”                         1           0          0          0           1

                 “Other Specified Uses”               1           0          1          2           4

                 “Residential”                        2           0          1          8          11

                 Total                                5           1          3          16         25

    78         TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT  2018-2020
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