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Public Participation in Plan Making (The following contents are applicable to the submissions made before 1.9.2023)


Plan-making process

Plan Making Process

Step 1: Publication of a new draft plan or amendment to an approved plan (under s.5) of the Town Planning Ordinance or amendment to a draft plan (under s.7) for 2 months for representations (s.6(1))

Step 2: Publication of representations for 3 weeks for comments (s.6A(1))

Step 3: Hearing of representations and comments; the Town Planning Board (TPB) may propose amendment(s) to meet the representations (s.6B(8))

Step 4: If amendments proposed. Publication of proposed amendment(s) for 3 weeks for further representations by any person, other than the original 'representer' and 'commenter' (s.6D(1)); the further representation shall indicate whether it is in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendment(s) (s.6D(2))

Step 5a: If adverse further representation received. Hearing of further representations; the TPB to decide whether to amend the draft plan by the proposed amendment(s) or by the proposed amendment(s) as further varied as it considers appropriate (s.6F(8))

Step 5b: If no adverse further representation received. No hearing of further representational; the TPB to consider supportive representations and to amend the draft plan by the proposed amendment(s) (s.6F(9))

Step 5c: If no further representation received. The TPB to amend the draft plan by the proposed amendment(s) (s.6G)

Step 6: The amendment made by the TPB shall form part of the draft plan (s.6H)

Step 7: If no amendment proposed from Step 4. Submission of the draft plan together with a schedule of the amendments made by the TPB (if any) and a schedule of the representations, comments and further representations (if any) to the Chief Executive in Council for approval (s.8(1A))

Step 1 to Step 7 is 9 months (from end of 2 months) (Chief Executive may allow a further period of up to 6 months) (s.8(2))

Step 8: Approved Plan

Step 9: Reference of an approved plan by the Chief Executive in Council for amendment (s.12(1)(b)(ii))


Representation relating to draft plan

All new plans, amendments to approved plans or amendments to draft plans will be exhibited for 2 months for public inspection under the existing Town Planning Ordinance. During this exhibition period, any person may make representation (either supportive or adverse) to the Town Planning Board in respect of the draft plan.

submission requirements, relevant forms and publication arrangement

plans currently inviting representations


Comment on Representation

All representations received by the Town Planning Board (TPB) during the plan exhibition period will be published for public inspection. During the first 3 weeks of the public inspection period of the representations, any person may make comment on the representations (either supportive or adverse) to the TPB.

submission requirements, relevant forms and publication arrangement

plans currently inviting comments on representations


Hearing for Representations and Comments

The Town Planning Board (TPB) will hold a hearing to consider the representations and comments received. The persons who have submitted representations or comments may attend the hearing and be heard by the TPB.

Hearing for Representations and Comments
Guidance Notes
Guidance Notes on Attending the Meeting for Consideration of Representations, Comments and Further Representations under The Town Planning Ordinance Download PDF (Guidance Notes on Hearing of Representations/Further Representations)

After the hearing the TPB will decide whether to propose amendments to the draft plan to meet the representations.


Further Representation in Respect of Proposed Amendments

Any amendments proposed by the Town Planning Board (TPB) after the hearing will be published for public inspection.

During the first 3 weeks of the public inspection period of the proposed amendments, any person (other than the persons who have submitted representations and comments related to the proposed amendments) may make further representation in respect of the proposed amendments (either supportive or adverse) to the TPB.

submission requirements, relevant forms and publication arrangement

plans currently inviting further representations


Further Hearing

If opposing further representations are received, the Town Planning Board (TPB) will hold a further hearing to consider the further representations, at which the persons who have submitted the relevant representations, comments and further representations may attend and be heard by the TPB.

Further Hearing
Guidance Notes
Guidance Notes and Attending the Meeting for Consideration of Repreentations, Comments and Further Representations under the Town Planning Ordinance Download PDF (Guidance Notes on Hearing of Representations/Further Representations)

After the further hearing, the TPB will decide whether to make amendments to the draft plan.

If there is no further representation or no opposing further representation, the TPB will hold a meeting to consider the further representation (if any) and to amend the draft plan by the proposed amendments. The persons who have submitted the relevant representations, comments and further representations will not be invited to the meeting.


Submission Requirements, Relevant Forms and Publication Arrangement

All representations/comments/further representations must be made within the statutory time limit and must comply with the Town Planning Board Guidelines on Submission and Publication of Representations, Comments on Representations and Further Representation under the Town Planning Ordinance (TPB PG-No. 29B). They should be forwarded to the Secretary, Town Planning Board:

(a)      by hand or post (15/F North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong);

(b)      by fax (2877 0245 or 2522 8426);

(c)      by email (; or

(d)      through this website (plans currently inviting representations/comments/further representations)

To facilitate processing the submissions, the person who submits representation/comment/further representation is advised to provide the necessary information by filling the relevant submission form. The forms are available at the Secretariat of the Town Planning Board and the Planning Enquiry Counters of the Planning Department. They can also be downloaded from the below:

Form No. S6 For Representations in Respect of Draft Plan under Section 6(1) Download PDF (For Representations Relating to Draft Plan under Section 6(1))
Form No. S6A For Comment on Representation in Respect of Draft Plan under Section 6A(1) Download PDF (For Comment on Representation Relating to Draft Plan under Section 6A(1))
Form No. S6D For Further Representation in Respect of Proposed Amendments to Draft Plan under Section 6D(1) Download PDF (For Further Representation in Respect of Proposed Amendments to Draft Plan under Section 6D(1))

Pursuant to the requirements of the Town Planning Ordinance, all representations/comments/further representations should be made available for public inspection until the Chief Executive in Council has decided on the draft plan. All information (including name, but excluding HKID/passport number, correspondence address, and telephone number/fax number/email address) included in the representations/comments/further representations will be made available for public inspection.

Plans Currently Available for Public Inspection

For further details on the submission requirements and publication arrangement, please refer to Town Planning Board Guidelines below.

Representations/comments/further representations
Submission and Publication of Representations, Comments on Representations and Further Representations Download PDF (Submission and Publication of Representations, Comments on Representations and Further Representations)


Submission to Chief Executive in Council

Upon completion of the representation consideration process, the Town Planning Board is required to submit the draft plan incorporating the amendments together with the representations, comments and further representations to the Chief Executive in Council for approval within 9 months of the expiry of the 2-month plan exhibition period (or within a further 6-month period as may be extended by the Chief Executive).

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