Page 123 - Town Planning Borad Report 2012-2014
P. 123

Appendix 5

附錄五: 截至二零一四年十二月三十一日為止

 規劃指引編號 有關事項
 TPB PG-No. Subject Matter

 2B 就附服務設施住宅所實施的臨時規劃管制
                           Interim Planning Control on Service Apartment

 5 擬在住宅(甲类)地帶發展辦公樓宇而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Office Development in Residential (Group A) Zone under Section 16 of the Town
                           Planning Ordinance

 8 擬在休憩用地、政府、機構或社區地帶及道路的地底發展商業 /泊車設施而按照城市規劃條例第 16
                           Application for Underground Development of Commercial/Car Parking Facilities beneath Open Space,
                           Government, Institution or Community Zones and Road under Section 16 of the Town Planning

 10 擬在綠化地帶進行發展而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Development within Green Belt Zone under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance

 11 擬在發展審批地區圖上的未指定用途地區作工廠 /工場 /貨倉用途而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出
                           Application for Factory/Workshop/Warehouse Use within Unspecified Use Area on Development
                           Permission Area Plans under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance

 12C 擬於后海灣地區內進行發展而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Developments within Deep Bay Area under Section 16 of the Town Planning

 13E 擬作露天貯物及港口後勤用途而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Open Storage and Port Back-up Uses under Section 16 of the Town Planning

 14B 擬作商營浴室及按摩院用途而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Commercial Bathhouse and Massage Establishment under Section 16 of the Town
                           Planning Ordinance

 15A 擬在鄉郊地區的「鄉村式發展」地帶內開設食肆而按照城市規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Eating Place within “Village Type Development” Zone in Rural Areas under Section 16
                           of the Town Planning Ordinance

 16 擬在「政府、機構或社區」地帶內發展 /重建作「政府、機構或社區」用途以外的用途而按照城市
                           規劃條例第 16 條提出的規劃申請
                           Application for Development/Redevelopment within “Government, Institution or Community” Zone for
                           Uses other than Government, Institution or Community Uses under Section 16 of the Town Planning

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