Page 42 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 42

2 工作重點
     Highlights of work

Yeung, Ping Chau, Cheung Sheung, Tai Ho, and Tai Po     The general planning intention of the areas covered by
Kau covering 13 enclaves. Moreover, 11 DPA plans for    statutory plans is mainly to protect the high conservation
Tin Fu Tsai, Hoi Ha, Pak Lap, So Lo Pun, To Kwa Peng    and landscape value as well as rural settings which
and Pak Tam Au, Tung A and Pak A, Ko Lau Wan, Lai Chi   complement the overall naturalness and the landscape
Wo, Siu Tan and Sam A Tsuen, Mau Ping, Luk Wu and       beauty of the surrounding country parks. In drawing
Keung Shan, and Yim Tin Tsai and Ma Shi Chau were       up the OZPs and their land use proposals, relevant
subsequently replaced by OZPs and one of the enclaves   stakeholders have been consulted with a view to striking
of Tai Long Sai Wan was incorporated into the country   a balance between environmental conservation and
park in December 2013. These statutory town plans       development. Areas of high ecological and landscape
provide planning guidance and enable enforcement        significance have been covered by conservation zonings,
action to be taken against unauthorised development in  such as “Conservation Area” (“CA”), “Coastal Protection
these areas.                                            Area” (“CPA”) or “GB” to protect the natural environment,

            Kuk Po, Fung Hang and Yung Shue Au

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