Page 46 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 46

2 工作重點
     Highlights of work

South-western Part of Po Toi Island

Preventing Haphazard and Uncontrolled                        carvings on Po Toi are Declared Monuments of particular
Development                                                  historic and cultural significance. Migratory birds, Romer’s
                                                             Tree Frog (Liuixalus romeri) and butterflies are the three
In late 2011, activities involving vegetation clearance and  scientific interests contributing to the ecological and
laying of concrete slabs were detected in some private       conservation importance of Po Toi. It was necessary to
lots in the south-western part of Po Toi. To prevent         prepare a DPA plan to cover the islands to provide interim
any haphazard and uncontrolled development that may          planning guidance and control for future development
adversely affect the rural and natural character of the      and to enable enforcement action to be taken against
islands, the Board took the initiative to prepare a DPA      unauthorised development and undesirable change of
plan for Po Toi Islands which comprise a group of islands    use to safeguard the area’s character.
in the southernmost part of Hong Kong, and have a
rural and natural setting with scientific importance and
conservation value which is unique to Hong Kong. Rock

                                                             Po Toi (Tai Wan)

            Po Toi Islands
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