Page 60 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 60

58  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Appendix II      Representations and Comments on Representations

            Further Representations to Plans Exhibited under section 6C

            of the Town Planning Ordinance in 2015 to 2017

            Outline Zoning Plans
                                                                                   NO. OF FURTHER
             NAME OF PLAN                                           PLAN NO.       REPRESENTATIONS


             Lai Chi Wo, Siu Tan and Sam A Tsuen                                         815
             Tai Po                                                 R/S/TP/25-A1          4

             Tai O Town Centre                                      R/S/I-TOTC/1-A1       3


             Pak Sha O                                              R/S/NE-PSO/1*         6

             Po Toi Islands                                         R/S/I-PTI/1-A1       172

             Yi O                                                   R/S/I-YO/1-A1         7

             Tsing Yi                                               R/S/TY/27-A1         2476


             Kennedy Town & Mount Davis                             R/S/H1/20-A1         958

             Sai Ying Pun & Sheung Wan                              R/S/H3/30-A1          42

             Sha Tin                                                R/S/ST/33-A1         189
            * Amendments to Notes & ES only

            Total No. of Further Representations Received:

                                                    2015              2016              2017

             NO. OF PLANS                             3                 4                 3

             NO. OF FURTHER
             REPRESENTATIONS                         822              2661              1189
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65