Page 62 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 62

60  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Appendix II      Representations and Comments on Representations

                                                                   NO. OF
                                                  NO. OF
                                                  CONSIDERED       REPRESENTATIONS
             Ko Lau Wan             S/NE-KLW/1           2                2         2 Not upheld

             Lai Chi Wo, Siu Tan and   S/NE-LCW/1       114               5         108 Partially Upheld
             Sam A Tsuen                                                            6 Not upheld
             Lung Yeuk Tau & Kwan Tei   S/NE-LYT/16      2                0         2 Not upheld

             Ma Tso Lung and Hoo Hok   S/NE-MTL/2        3                0         3 Not upheld
                                                                                    3 Not upheld
             Shap Sz Heung          S/NE-SSH/10          5                1
                                                                                    2 Noted
             Ting Kok               S/NE-TK/18          31                0         31 Not upheld

             Yung Shue O            S/NE-YSO/1           8                3         8 Not upheld

             Yim Tin Tsai and Ma Shi
             Chau                   S/NE-YTT/1          62                1         62 Not upheld

             Tung A and Pak A       S/SK-TA/1            5                3         5 Not upheld

             Sha Tin                S/ST/31              1                3         1 Not upheld

             Mau Ping               S/ST-MP/1           704               2         704 Not upheld

             Tseung Kwan O          S/TKO/21            385               9         385 Not upheld

             Lam Tei and Yick Yuen  S/TM-LTYY/7          1                0         1 Not upheld
                                                                                    142 Not upheld
             So Kwun Wat            S/TM-SKW/12         143               2
                                                                                    1 Noted
                                                                                    300 Upheld
                                                                                    1275 Partially
             Tai Po                 S/TP/25            6322              439        Upheld
                                                                                    4743 Not upheld
                                                                                    4 Noted

                                                                                    704 Not upheld
             Tsing Yi               S/TY/25             706               1
                                                                                    2 Noted
             Kam Tin South          S/YL-KTS/12         55               330        55 Deferred

                                                                                    107 Not upheld
             Ping Shan              S/YL-PS/15          109               2
                                                                                    2 Noted

                                                                                    8 Not upheld
             Fanling / Sheung Shui        S/FSS/21       9               226
                                                                                    1 Noted
                                                                                    600 Not upheld
             Aberdeen & Ap Lei Chau  S/H15/30           607              16
                                                                                    7 Noted
                                                                                    66 Not upheld
             Central District       S/H4/15             72               14
                                                                                    6 Noted
                                                                                    5 Not upheld
             Wong Nai Chung         S/H7/18             94                3
                                                                                    89 Noted
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67