Page 68 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 68

66  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Appendix III      Applications for Amendment of Plan

            Decisions on section 12A Applications for Amendment of Plan

            considered by the Town Planning Board from 2015 to 2017 (Metro
            & New Town Areas)

             Proposed Amendment            DECISION

             2015                         Not Agreed    Agreed                 Deferred    TOTAL
             “Comprehensive Development Area”  1          1           0           0          2

             “Commercial”                     2           0           0           0          2

             “Government, Institution or      2           0           0           2          4

             “Other Specified Uses”           1           1           0           1          3

             “Other Specified Uses” and       0           0           0           1          1
             “Open Space”
             “Other Specified Uses” and                                                      1
             “Residential”                    1           0           0           0

             “Residential”                    3           0           1           2          6

             “Notes”                          3           1           0           0          4

              TOTAL                           13          3           1           6          23

             Proposed Amendment            DECISION
             2016                         Not Agreed    Agreed                 Deferred    TOTAL
             “Comprehensive Development                                                      1
             Area”                            0           0           0           1
             “Government, Institution or                                                     3
             Community”                       1           1           0           1

             “Other Specified Uses”           1           0           0           4          5

             “Residential”                    1           2           0           3          6

             “Residential”, “Government,
             Institution or Community” and    0           0           0           1          1
             “Green Belt”

             “Village Type Development”       1           0           0           0          1

              TOTAL                           4           3           0          10          17
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73