Page 70 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 70

68  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Appendix III      Applications for Amendment of Plan

            Decisions on section 12A Applications for Amendment of Plan

            considered by the Town Planning Board from 2015 to 2017 (Rural

             Proposed Amendment            DECISION

             2015                         Not Agreed    Agreed                 Deferred    TOTAL
             “Comprehensive Development       0           0           0           1          1

             “Commercial”                     0           1           0           1          2

             “Government, Institution or      0           0           0           1          1
             “Other Specified Uses”           1           0           0           2          3

             “Other Specified Uses” and       0           0           0           1          1

             “Residential”                    2           1           0           5          8

             “Village Type Development”       2           1           0           0          3

             “Notes”                          3           0           0           0          3

              TOTAL                           8           3           0          11          22

             Proposed Amendment            DECISION
             2016                         Not Agreed    Agreed                 Deferred    TOTAL
             “Comprehensive Development       1           0           0           1          2

             “Commercial”                     0           1           0           0          1
             “Government, Institution or                                                     3
             Community”                       0           0           0           3

             “Industrial”                     0           0           0           1          1

             “Other Specified Uses”           1           0           0           1          2

             “Residential”                    3           2           0           4          9

             “Residential” and “Comprehensive   0         0           0           1          1
             Development Area”
             “Residential” and “Other Specified                                              1
             Uses”                            0           1           0           0

             “Residential”,  “Other Specified
             Uses” and “Government, Institution   0       0           0           1          1
             or Community”

             “Village Type Development”       1           0           0           1          2
              TOTAL                           6           4           0          13          23
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75