Page 24 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 24

2   Highlights of 2018-2020

               Increasing Development Intensity in New Development Area

               Yuen Long South Development

               To take forward the policy initiative to optimise the development intensity and increase the portion
               of public housing, the Planning Department (PlanD) and the Civil Engineering and Development
               Department (CEDD) commissioned a review on the ‘Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in
               Yuen Long South (YLS) – Investigation’ (the YLS Study) in December 2018.  The review was completed
               in May 2020.  Under the revised Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) of the YLS Study, the

               total number of flats had increased by about 15% from 28,500 to 32,850, with a total population of
               about 101,200 and employment opportunities of about 13,360.  The overall public to private housing
               ratio had increased from about 61:39 to 68:32.  The first population intake is expected in 2028.

               On 26 June 2020, the Board considered the recommendations of the revised RODP and agreed to

               the proposed OZP amendments to effectuate Stages 1 and 2 of the YLS Development which would
               provide about 16,920 flats.  The draft Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP No. S/YL-TYST/13 and draft Tai Tong
               OZP No. S/YL-TT/17, incorporating the amendments, were exhibited for public inspection under section
               5 of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance) on 10 July 2020.  After giving consideration to the
               79 representations and 140 comments on the draft Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP and 136 representations
               and 171 comments on the draft Tai Tong OZP, the Board on 30 April 2021 decided not to propose any
               amendment to the two draft OZPs.  The two draft OZPs were approved by the CE in C on 10 August
               2021 and renumbered as S/YL-TYST/14 and S/YL-TT/18 respectively.

                              Revised Recommended RODP

    22         TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT  2018-2020
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