Page 28 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 28

2   Highlights of 2018-2020

               Land Use Review

               The land use reviews covered the government land currently left vacant, under short-term tenancies or
               different short-term uses, or without any development plan, as well as the two-stage review of “Green
               Belt” (“GB”) sites with a view to identifying suitable sites for rezoning to residential use.  The sites
               were usually in the fringe of the built-up areas, adjacent to existing roads and other infrastructures,
               and with relatively low conservation value and buffering effect.

               In examining the suitability of a site for residential or other uses, the Board had adopted a holistic
               approach to consider various factors, including site suitability, the need and development programme
               of the originally planned use, availability of alternative sites, the location and size of the site, local
               characteristics, various impacts including traffic, environment, air ventilation, ecology, infrastructures,
               urban design and landscape, etc., as well as provision of open space, recreational and community
               facilities in the district.

               During the report period, a total of 14 sites (about 13 ha) in various areas were rezoned to residential
               use (including four “Government, Institution or Community” (“G/IC”), five “GB”, one “Open Space”
               (“O”), one “Industrial” (“I”) and three “Other Specified Uses” (“OU”) sites) with an estimated total
               provision of about 16,000 flats.  Seven sites are located within the Ma On Shan and Fanling/Sheung
               Shui OZPs.

               Rezoning of 14 sites between 2018 and 2020 for residential use

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