Page 28 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 28

2 工作重點
     Highlights of work

                                         Part 2

                                         Highlights of Work

Increasing Housing Land Supply

New Outline Zoning Plans for Kwu Tung                       Outline Development Plans (ODPs) and OZPs for the
North and Fanling North Areas                               KTN and FLN NDAs were prepared for taking forward
                                                            the recommendations in the NENT NDAs Study.
The “Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy”          As extensions to the existing Fanling/Sheung Shui New
(the HK2030 Study) in 2007 revisited the need for           Town, the KTN and FLN NDAs will provide a total of about
strategic development area in the New Territories,          60,000 new housing units, with 60% for public housing
and recommended proceeding with some of the New             and 40% for private housing, to accommodate a total
Development Areas (NDAs) to address Hong Kong’s             population of about 176,900. The two NDAs will also
long-term demand for land for housing and economic          provide about 37,700 new employment opportunities.
developments. A steady land supply to meet Hong             Taking into account the public comments and findings
Kong’s demand for land for housing and economic             of the planning and technical assessments, the revised
developments is essential to promoting the health, safety,  development proposals for the two NDAs were published
convenience and general welfare of the community. In        in July 2013. The Board was briefed on 26 July 2013 on
this regard, the Board has prepared new OZPs and            the public comments received from the Stage 3 Public
made amendments to OZPs to optimise the development         Engagement under the NENT NDAs Study, the revised
potential of the land concerned.                            Recommended ODPs for the KTN and FLN NDAs and the
                                                            implementation arrangements of the NDAs. Members
The North East New Territories NDAs Planning and            provided comments and suggestions mainly on the
Engineering Study (NENT NDAs Study) was commissioned        planning, land, supporting infrastructure and transport
jointly by the Civil Engineering and Development            aspects. The Final Report of the NENT NDAs Study
Department (CEDD) and Planning Department (PlanD)           and its Executive Summary were promulgated for public
in 2008 with a view to formulating a planning and           viewing in end-2014.
development framework for the NDAs including Kwu
Tung North (KTN), Fanling North (FLN) and Ping Che/Ta
Kwu Ling (PC/TKL).

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