Page 32 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 32

2 工作重點
     Highlights of work

South West Kowloon Outline Zoning Plan                     The waterfront site at Lin Cheung Road covers an area of
                                                           about 9.65 ha previously under various zonings including
On 22 November 2013, the Board agreed to propose           “Other Specified Uses” (“OU”) annotated “Cargo
amendments to the South West Kowloon OZP mainly to         Working Area, Wholesale Market and Industrial-Office”,
rezone a site at Fat Tseung Street West and a waterfront   “OU(Wholesale Market)”, “OU(Pier)” and an area shown
site at Lin Cheung Road for residential developments.      as ‘Road’. It is located at the waterfront and served by
The rezoning was one of the Government’s short and         MTR Nam Cheong Station. The proposed amendments
medium-term measures to expedite the supply of             were for rezoning of about 6 ha of land to “Comprehensive
land for housing. The draft South West Kowloon OZP         Development Area” (“CDA”), “CDA(2)” and “R(A)12” to
No. S/K20/29 was exhibited for public inspection on 13     facilitate the development of private housing and about
December 2013. The site at Fat Tseung Street West,         3,400 public housing units. The proposed maximum
with an area of about 0.62 ha, is located within an area   building height of 120mPD for the “R(A)12” site and
with a number of public housing developments (namely       100mPD for the “CDA” and “CDA(2)” sites were generally
Hoi Lai Estate and the proposed public rental housing      in line with the stepped building height profile in the area.
(PRH) development at North West Kowloon Reclamation        The remaining areas were rezoned to “G/IC”, “O” and an
(Site 6) and private housing developments (commonly        area shown as ‘Road’.
known as the “Four Little Dragons”), as well as a cluster
of Government, institution and community (GIC) facilities  After giving consideration to the 3,099 representations
including a number of schools. The site was rezoned        and 34 comments in respect of the OZP on 20 June 2014
from “Government, Institution or Community” (“G/IC”),      and 4 July 2014, the Board decided not to propose any
“Open Space” (“O”) and an area shown as ‘Road’ to          amendment to the OZP. The draft OZP was approved by
“R(A)11” with a maximum domestic PR of 6.5, a maximum      CE in C on 23 September 2014 and was subsequently
non-domestic PR of 1.5 and a maximum building height       renumbered as S/K20/30.
of 120mPD for a public housing development with about
680 flats.

Lin Cheung Road

                                                           Fat Tseung Street West

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