Page 31 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 31

Amendments to Outline Zoning Plans                          A site at Wo Sheung Tun Street was recommended to be
                                                            rezoned from “I” to “R(A)3” for public housing development
Sha Tin Outline Zoning Plan                                 in the Area Assessment. The proposed public housing
                                                            site, with an area of about 0.87ha, will provide about 560
On 5 October 2012, the Board agreed to propose              flats with maximum building height of 150mPD.
amendments to the Sha Tin OZP. The draft Sha Tin
OZP No. S/ST/27 was exhibited for public inspection on      After giving consideration to the six representations and
26 October 2012.                                            one comment on 22 March 2013 in respect of the OZP,
                                                            the Board decided not to propose any amendment to the
The amendments to the OZP were in line with the             OZP. The draft OZP was approved by CE in C on 2 July
recommendations of the Area Assessments 2009 of             2013 and was subsequently renumbered as S/ST/28.
Industrial Land in the Territory (the Area Assessment)
completed in 2010. A 4.09 ha site covering the              On 8 November 2013, the Board agreed to propose
ex-Fo Tan Cottage Area and the adjacent industrial land     amendments to the OZP to rezone Shek Mun Estate
was recommended to be rezoned from “Industrial” (“I”),      zoned “R(A)” together with a strip of land zoned “Open
“Green Belt” (“GB”) and an area shown as ‘River Channel’    Space” (“O”) to “R(A)4” for public housing development.
to “R(A)2” for public housing development with about        The draft Sha Tin OZP No. S/ST/29 was exhibited for
4,200 flats and a building height ranging from 140mPD       public inspection on 22 November 2013. After giving
to 160mPD. Non-domestic uses and retail facilities (in      consideration to the 1,391 representations and 11
a welfare and commercial centre) were proposed in the       comments on 16 May 2014 in respect of the OZP, the
south-eastern part of the site along Kwei Tei Street to     Board decided not to propose any amendment to
serve as a buffer against the nearby industrial buildings.  the OZP. The draft OZP was approved by CE in C on
                                                            2 September 2014 and was subsequently renumbered as

ex-Fo Tan Cottage Area                                      Wo Sheung Tun Street

                                                            Shek Mun Estate

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