Page 33 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 33

Cheung Sha Wan Outline Zoning Plan                            height restriction of the neighbouring Lai Kok Estate and
                                                              was in line with the stepped building height profile for the
On 15 March 2013, the Board agreed to propose                 Cheung Sha Wan district. The draft Cheung Sha Wan
amendments to the Cheung Sha Wan OZP mainly to                OZP No. S/K5/34 was exhibited for public inspection
rezone a site at Lai Chi Kok Road/Tonkin Street from “O”      on 19 April 2013. After giving consideration to the 698
to “R(A)”. The rezoning was one of the Government’s           representations and 170 comments in respect of the OZP
short and medium-term measures to expedite the supply         on 4 October 2013, the Board decided not to propose
of land for housing. The site, with an area of about 2.3 ha,  any amendment to the OZP. On 17 December 2013, CE
was subject to a PR of 9 for public housing development to    in C approved the draft Cheung Sha Wan OZP which was
produce about 2,300 flats. The maximum building height        renumbered as S/K5/35.
restriction of 100mPD was compatible with the building

Cheung Sha Wan

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