Page 48 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 48

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

                                                       Part 3

                                                       Other Major Work

Increasing Land Supply                                     Kong’s social, environmental and economic needs. To
                                                           this end, a number of studies have been commissioned
It is an established policy of the Government to supply    to explore the feasibility of reclamation outside Victoria
land to meet Hong Kong’s continued housing and other       Harbour, rock cavern/underground space development,
development needs through a number of sources. In          rehabilitation of quarry sites, expanding existing new
recent years, with population growth, rising aspiration    towns, NDAs and land use reviews in the rural area, etc.
for a quality living environment and rapid economic        Between 2012 and 2014, the Board was consulted on
development, the demand for land is strong. To ensure the  these studies and provided views on the relevant issues.
sustainable development of Hong Kong, it is necessary to
enhance our land supply and devise different options to
build up a sufficiently large land reserve to meet Hong

             多管齊下的土地供應方法                                   第 2 階段公眾參與摘要
              A multi-pronged approach in land supply      Stage 2 Public Engagement Digest

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