Page 50 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 50

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

On 14 December 2012, the Board was briefed on the              社區參與
initial land use options during the Stage 1 Community          Community Enagaement
Engagement. Members provided views on the target
population, the key objectives of land use options, the      Planning Study on Future Land Use at
development impacts on the local character, planning         Anderson Road Quarry – Feasibility Study
concepts, provision of transport infrastructure, as well as
implementation of the proposed development.                  In January 2010, PlanD commissioned the Planning
On 14 March 2014, the Board was briefed on the draft         Study on Future Land Use at Anderson Road Quarry -
Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for              Feasibility Study. The overall objective of the study is
the site during the Stage 2 Community Engagement.            to examine the future land use and the potential of the
The development potential of the site had been further       Anderson Road Quarry site for residential and other uses
optimized to provide additional housing and recreation       after the completion of the rehabilitation works in 2016.
uses to meet the long-term housing needs and to              The findings and recommendations of the study would
facilitate the creation of a “Tourism and Recreation Hub”,   serve as a reference for the revision of the relevant town
while confining development to the existing platforms        plans to guide the future development of the site, as well
without affecting the adjoining woodland and man-made        as a basis for carrying out the engineering feasibility
lake. Members provided views on the planning concept,        study.
transport arrangement, impact on the fish culture
zones, the provision of GIC facilities, tourism facilities   On 13 July 2012, the Board was briefed on the draft RODP
and housing mix of the development. The study was            for the site during the Stage 2 Community Engagement
scheduled for completion in mid-2016.                        of the study. Members provided views on the possible
                                                             traffic and visual impacts of the proposed developments,
 研究範圍                                                        the provision of commercial facilities for future residents,
 Study Area                                                  the proposed rock cavern developments and the future
                                                             treatment of the rock face. A final RODP with a planned
                                                             population of 25,000 and flat production of 9,410 was
                                                             prepared and reported back to the Board on 8 March
                                                             2013. Members had no strong views on the RODP
                                                             and provided specific comments on the possible visual
                                                             impacts, the proposed traffic, transport and pedestrian
                                                             connectivity measures, and the future treatment of the
                                                             rock face. The study was completed in early 2014.

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