Page 3 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
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               02    Chairperson’s Foreword

               04    Town Planning Board’s Work of
                     2018-2020 at a Glance

                          Establishment and Functions                Appendices

               05    Town Planning Board and Planning Committees  62  Appendix I   Plan Preparation

                       Establishment and Functions              74   Appendix II     Representations and
                                                                                   Comments on Representations
                       Composition of Town Planning Board
                       in 2020                                  77   Appendix III     Applications for Amendment
                                                                                   of Plan
                       Membership, Meetings and Members
                                                                82   Appendix IV   Planning Applications
               13    Mainland and Local Visits
                                                                88   Appendix V      List of Town Planning Board
                     2                                                             Guidelines as at 31 December
                          Highlights of 2018-2020
               21    Increasing Housing and Land Supply

               37    Provision of Office/Commercial Space and
                     Other Facilities
               42    Revitalisation of Industrial Buildings

                          Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               43    Protecting the Countryside

               50    Urban Renewal and Heritage Preservation

               56    Reconsideration of Representations and
               59    Town Planning Board Guidelines

               60    Work Facilitating Operation
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