Page 5 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 5

In conjunction with the Government’s policy to reactivate the revitalisation scheme for industrial buildings

               with a view to better utilising land resources through wholesale conversion/redevelopment, the Board
               approved 45 related applications, generating an additional gross floor area of about 195,000m . To
               meet the demand of the arts and cultural sectors for rehearsal venues, the Board also broadened the
               range of uses/activities of art studios permitted in industrial buildings.

               On urban renewal, the Board agreed to gazette two Development Scheme Plans of Urban Renewal
               Authority’s projects in Sheung Wan and Ma Tau Kok and considered the revitalisation proposal for
               Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street.

               To protect the ecologically sensitive areas and to maintain the unique natural character of the countryside,
               the Board published the Sham Wat and San Shek Wan, Sha Lo Wan and San Tau, Pui O Au, and Mui

               Wo North Development Permission Area Plans to cover the four enclaves in Lantau to provide interim
               planning control and to prevent unauthorized development pending preparation of OZPs.

               During the report period, despite the slight disruption caused in early 2020 at the beginning of the
               COVID-19 pandemic, the Board’s operation continued to function well. Meetings were conducted with
               the support of video conferencing arrangement. Without the unwavering support of our Members,

               the Board would not be able to complete the voluminous tasks. I would like to take this opportunity
               to express my deepest gratitude to all Members for their valuable contribution to enable the Board to
               discharge its statutory functions and to promote good town planning and sustainable development in
               Hong Kong.

               Ms Bernadette Linn
               Chairperson, Town Planning Board

                                                                              TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT  2018-2020  3
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