Page 8 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 8

1   Establishment and Functions

               Furthermore, under section 25 of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) Ordinance, Cap. 563 and section

               21 of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA) Ordinance, Cap. 601, URA and WKCDA
               may submit any plan prepared under subsection (3)(a) of the URA Ordinance and subsection (6) of
               the WKCDA Ordinance respectively to the Board for consideration.  Upon the submission of a plan so
               prepared by URA or WKCDA, the Board may deem the plan as suitable for publication, with or without
               amendments, or may refuse to deem the plan as being suitable for publication.  A plan which the
               Board deems suitable for publication shall be deemed to be a draft plan prepared by the Board for the
               purposes of the Ordinance and the provisions of the Ordinance shall apply accordingly.

               Members of the Town Planning Board in 2020

               Composition of Town Planning Board in 2020

                           Secretary                 Chairperson                Vice-Chairperson
                        Deputy Director of        Permanent Secretary for           Mr. Lincoln
                         Planning/District    Development (Planning and Lands)  HUANG Ling-hang, J.P.

                             Official Members (5 nos.)      Non-official Members (29 nos.)

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