Page 4 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 4



               Hong Kong is facing a pressing demand for land to meet the acute housing demand and changing
               social needs, and to sustain economic growth. While trying to optimize the use of scarce land resources
               to meet the wide-ranging needs of the community, we also have to be mindful of public aspirations for
               quality living environment and sustainable development. It has always been challenging for the Town
               Planning Board (the Board) to timely respond to and strike a right balance among the diverse interests.

               During the report period from 2018 to 2020, the Board continued to dedicate its efforts to increasing
               housing and land supply. It approved the rezoning of about 71 ha of land to facilitate Stages 1 and 2 of
               the Yuen Long South Development for provision of about 16,900 public housing flats with supporting
               infrastructure and community facilities, and relaxed the plot ratio and building height restrictions of
               residential zones in the Kwu Tung North, Fanling North and Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development
               Areas to increase the development intensity. Through conducting land use review, a total of 14 sites
               were rezoned to residential use in various areas to provide about 16,000 flats, over three quarters

               of which were for public housing. The new Siu Ho Wan Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) was published to
               guide the development of a new community with public and private housing atop a railway depot in
               operation, while opportunity was taken to enhance public accessibility to the waterfront area. The
               Board also exercised flexibility to facilitate temporary use of transitional housing in permanent buildings
               in urban areas and new towns.

               To maintain Hong Kong’s competitiveness as a financial centre and to sustain economic growth, two
               ex-government sites at prime locations in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay were rezoned for commercial
               use to ensure a continual supply of high-grade office space, and at the same time, to include the
               requirement for a range of community facilities within the developments to meet the community needs.
               To cater for the growth of innovation and technology industries and to attract quality technology
               companies to set up their offices in Hong Kong, areas adjoining Cyberport were rezoned to facilitate
               the latter’s expansion project and to enhance an existing waterfront open space with easy accessibility
               for public enjoyment.

     2         TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT  2018-2020
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