Page 61 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
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Town Planning Board Guidelines

               The Board promulgated three revised set of Town Planning Board Guidelines in 2018 to 2020.  The sets
               of guidelines in force in 2020 remains as 32.

               Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on Class A and Class B Amendments to
               Approved Development Proposals (TPB PG-No. 36B)

               The Board on 2 March 2018 promulgated the revised set of Guidelines to provide clarity to users and
               simplify the procedural matters whilst safeguarding the interests of the general public.  Revisions were
               made to the Schedule of Class A and Class B amendments mainly to allow greater flexibility for change
               in site area, gross floor area, number of units, parking requirements/layout, provision of private open
               space and utility installation, delete control on unit size, and stipulate control on location and size of
               setback and BG in addition to NBA, taking into account the changing planning circumstances and
               feedback from stakeholders.

               Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on Submission and Publication of
               Representations, Comments and Further Representations (TPB PG-No. 29B)

               The Board on 26 November 2018 promulgated the revised set of Guidelines to enhance the efficiency
               in processing representations, comments and further representations.  A representer, commenter or

               further representer, or his/her authorised representative was required to provide information regarding
               his/her identity for verification purposes, and a correspondence or email address for receipt of documents
               issued by the Board.  If no correspondence or email address is provided, they would need to check the
               relevant information on the Board’s website and contact the Secretariat of the Board for arrangement
               to attend the hearing.

               Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines for Application for Open Storage and Port
               Back-up Uses (TPB PG-No. 13F)

               The  Board  on  27  March  2020  promulgated  the  revised  set  of  Guidelines  and  the  coverage  was
               updated to include all areas covered by rural statutory plans.  Taking into account the latest planning
               circumstances and the findings of the ‘Study on Existing Profile and Operations of Brownfield Sites in
               the New Territories’, the site classification of land under the Guidelines was reviewed and re-classified
               with a view to channelising open storage/port back-up (OS/PBU) uses to more appropriate locations
               and  to reflect  various  completed  developments  and  updated zonings of the  sites.    For  NDAs, the

               existing OS/PBU uses permitted under the previous plans or with previous planning permissions are
               generally allowed to continue until the implementation of the NDAs, but new applications for OS/PBU
               use would normally be rejected unless under exceptional circumstances.

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