Page 57 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 57

Maryknoll House

               Maryknoll House is a 3-storey Grade 1 historic building which was zoned “G/IC” on the Stanley
               OZP.  On 4 January 2019, the Board partially agreed to a rezoning application made by the owner

               of Maryknoll House to facilitate a proposed conservation-cum-development project.  The proposal
               comprised adaptive reuse of Maryknoll House with a new three-storey extension on the eastern side,
               a new basement car park under the atrium garden and two new three-storey houses over one storey
               of basement car park at the southern platform.  On 15 May 2020, the Board agreed to rezone the site
               from “G/IC” to “OU” annotated “Residential Development with Historic Building Preserved” subject
               to a maximum plot ratio of 0.75, a maximum site coverage of 30%, and a maximum building height of
               64mPD and 75mPD to ensure the public view of the southern and western facades of Maryknoll House.
               Any new development, or demolition of, alteration or redevelopment requires planning permission
               from the Board.

               On 5 June 2020, the draft Stanley OZP No. S/H19/13, incorporating the amendments, was exhibited for
               public inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance.  After giving consideration to the 10 representations
               and 10 comments on 15 January 2021, the Board decided not to uphold the representations.  The draft
               OZP was approved by the CE in C on 4 May 2021 and renumbered as S/H19/4.

                                                      Maryknoll House

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