Page 56 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 56

3   Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Compound

               After giving consideration to the 33 representations and 22 comments on 6 December 2019, the Board
               decided to partially uphold some of the representations by proposing amendments to the maximum
               building height restriction for the northern portion of the “G/IC(1)” zone from 135mPD to 80mPD, and
               to the Notes for the “G/IC(1)” zone stipulating that any new development or redevelopment of existing
               building(s) requires planning permission from the Board.  The proposed amendments to the draft OZP
               were published under section 6C(2) of the Ordinance on 13 March 2020.  After giving consideration
               to the 66 further representations, the Board on 28 August 2020 noted the supportive views of some

               further representations and decided not to uphold the adverse further representations.  A JR was
               lodged by HKSKH against the Board’s decision with regard to the “G/IC” site.

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