Page 34 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 34

2 工作重點
     Highlights of work

Ma On Shan Outline Zoning Plan                                 Whitehead
                                                               Hang Kwong Street
On 24 February 2012, the draft Ma On Shan OZP No.              Ma Kam Street
S/MOS/17 incorporating amendments for rezoning
a site at Whitehead from “CDA” to mainly “CDA(2)”
(about 3.77 ha) and “CDA(3)” (about 2.35 ha) subject to
maximum GFA of 40,000m2 and 30,000m2 respectively
for residential developments and to “Recreation” (“REC”)
(about 14.95 ha) for recreational development; and a
site at On Chun Street (about 0.41 ha) from “G/IC” and
“R(A)” to “Residential (Group B)3” (“R(B)3”) subject to a
maximum PR of 3.3 for residential developments, was
exhibited for public inspection.

After giving consideration to the 1,079 representations
and 61 comments in respect of the OZP on 31
August 2012, the Board decided not to uphold the
representations related to Whitehead but defer a decision
on the representations related to the On Chun Street site
pending a review of “G/IC” sites in Ma On Shan which
might also be suitable for residential development. On
1 February 2013, the Board further considered the
representations and comments related to the On Chun
Street site and decided to propose amendments to the
OZP to meet the 1,074 representations. On 22 February
2013, the proposed amendments to the OZP to rezone
the On Chun Street site from “R(B)3” to “G/IC” for GIC
use, rezone two sites at Hang Kwong Street (about 0.31
ha) and Ma Kam Street (about 0.31 ha) from “G/IC” to
“R(B)3” and “R(B)4” subject to maximum GFA of 8,910m2
and 15,500m2 respectively for residential developments,
and amend the building height restriction of a “G/IC” site at
On Luk Street, were exhibited for public inspection. After
giving consideration to the 28 further representations on
26 April 2013, the Board decided to amend the draft OZP
by incorporating the proposed amendments. The draft
OZP was approved by CE in C on 30 July 2013 and was
subsequently renumbered as S/MOS/18.

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