Page 35 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 35

Yan On Estate

Ma On Shan Road

Lok Wo Sha Lane

On 7 March 2014, the draft Ma On Shan OZP                exhibited for public inspection. After giving consideration
No. S/MOS/19, incorporating amendments mainly to         to the 264 representations and 38 comments in respect
rezone the Yan On Estate and the adjoining land from     of the OZP on 5 September 2014, the Board decided not
“R(B)2”, “G/IC” and an area shown as ‘Road’ to “R(A)8”;  to propose any amendment to the draft OZP. The draft
a site east of Ma On Shan Road from “GB” to “R(A)9”;     OZP was approved by CE in C on 2 December 2014 and
and a site at Lok Wo Sha Lane from “O” to “R(B)5”, was   was subsequently renumbered as S/MOS/20.

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