Page 54 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 54

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area                          175,000, and provide about 100,000 new employment
Planning and Engineering Study                              opportunities. Members provided comments on the
                                                            development concept, existing developments, the
CEDD and PlanD jointly commissioned the ‘Hung Shui          proposed town park, the strategic relationship of the area,
Kiu NDA Planning and Engineering Study’ in 2011 to          rail and green infrastructure, and the implementation
formulate a feasible land use framework for developing the  approach. Taking into account the public comments
Hung Shui Kiu (HSK) NDA to meet Hong Kong’s housing         received in the community engagement exercises and the
and other land use needs in the long term. The Board        recommendations from various technical assessments,
was consulted on the Preliminary Outline Development        the RODP is being formulated and the next stage of
Plan (PODP) on 26 July 2013. According to the PODP,         community engagement exercise would commence after
the HSK NDA will provide about 60,000 new housing           the finalisation of the RODP.
units to accommodate an additional population of about

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