Page 68 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 68

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

Town Planning Board Guidelines

From 2012 to 2014, the Board promulgated four revised      Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on
sets of Town Planning Board Guidelines. The sets of        ‘Owner’s Consent/Notification’ Requirements
guidelines in force remains as 32.                         under Sections 12A and 16 (TPB PG-No. 31A)

Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on                  The revised set of Guidelines was promulgated on 2 May
Application for Developments within Deep                   2014 to specify the requirement on sending request for
Bay Area under Section 16 of the Town                      consent or notice of application to the postal address
Planning Ordinance (TPB PG-No. 12C)                        of the current land owner or relevant parties to fulfill the
                                                           ‘owner’s notification’ or ‘reasonable steps’ requirements.
The revised set of Guidelines was promulgated on 16 May    A footnote has been added to the revised guidelines
2014 to include Hoo Hok Wai in the Wetland Conservation    specifying that sending written notification to non-postal
Area so as to provide guidance for consideration of        address is not normally accepted unless successful
applications for different uses and developments within    delivery is proved by the advice of receipt.
the area. A new paragraph has been added and Figure
A and Appendix A have been revised to justify and show     Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on
the new boundaries of the Wetland Conservation Area        Extension of Time for Commencement of
and the Wetland Buffer Area; and to specify that the       Development (TPB PG-No. 35C)
exemption of two uses (‘Government Refuse Collection
Point’ and ‘Public Utility Installation’) from Ecological  The revised set of Guidelines was promulgated on 16
Impact Assessment does not apply to the “OU” annotated     May 2014 to avoid the criterion on commencement of
“Eco-lodge” zone.                                          development from creating unnecessary hurdles for
                                                           development. The revised set of Guidelines has specified
Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on                  the new criterion on commencement of development for
Publication of Applications for Amendment                  URA development schemes that they could be considered
of Plan, Planning Permission and Review                    as commenced upon the approval of the resumption
and Submission of Comments on Various                      application. Also, government projects are considered
Applications (TPB PG-No. 30A)                              commenced upon the approval of necessary funding
                                                           for the detailed design/construction works; and a longer
The revised set of Guidelines was promulgated on           validity period of more than 4 years could be considered
2 May 2014 to reflect a streamlined practice of not        for large-scale comprehensive development schemes.
sending acknowledgement and notification letters to the
commenters on all sections 12A and 16 applications in
order to save resources and be environmentally friendly.
A new statement advising that information regarding the
arrangements on consideration of planning application
at the appropriate location of the Board's website has
been added to the revised guidelines.

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