Page 66 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 66

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

Tsuen Wan Outline Zoning Plan                                 Chai Wan Outline Zoning Plan

Tsuen Wan is one of the oldest new towns comprising a         The Chai Wan area is predominantly residential with
mix of land uses with high-rise developments clustering       industrial and business developments concentrated to
above and around the MTR Tsuen Wan and Tsuen Wan              the west of the MTR Chai Wan Station and in the Chai
West Stations. In order to prevent the proliferation of out-  Wan East area. The draft Chai Wan OZP No. S/H20/20
of context high-rise buildings in the area, the draft Tsuen   incorporating amendments mainly to impose building
Wan OZP No. S/TW/29 incorporating amendments                  height restrictions for various development zones and
mainly to impose building height restrictions for various     PR restrictions for the “I” and “OU” annotated “Business”
development zones was exhibited on 24 February 2012.          (“OU(B)”) zones was exhibited for public inspection on 20
                                                              January 2012.
A building height profile was adopted with descending
building heights from the high-rise developments around       A building height profile ranging from 70mPD to 140mPD
the twin town nodes at the MTR stations towards the           for most of Chai Wan and 160mPD to 210mPD for the hill-
surrounding areas. The lower building height profile          slope areas was adopted.
in the industrial areas at the urban fringe and the old
town centre was maintained to enhance air ventilation.        After giving consideration to the 284 representations and
Beyond the town centre, stepped height concept with           one comment in respect of the OZP, the Board decided
descending building heights from Tso Kung Tam to the          on 27 July 2012 not to propose any amendment to the
village type developments in Fu Yung Shan was adopted.        OZP. On 5 February 2013, CE in C approved the draft
                                                              Chai Wan OZP which was renumbered as S/H20/21.
After giving consideration to the seven representations
and 620 comments on 14 September 2012 in respect
of the OZP, the Board decided to revise the maximum
building height for part of the “G/IC” zone covering the
site of Chuen Yuen Church at Tai Uk Street to meet one
of the representations. No further representation was
received. The OZP was subsequently amended once
to rezone a site at Yeung Uk Road for residential cum
commercial uses. On 7 January 2014, CE in C approved
the draft OZP which was renumbered as S/TW/31.

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