Page 65 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 65

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

Outline Zoning Plan Amendments

Building Height and/or Plot Ratio                               Kwai Chung Outline Zoning Plan
Restrictions Review on Outline Zoning Plans
                                                                Kwai Chung comprises a mix of residential, commercial,
In order to provide better planning control, address the        industrial uses as well as major territorial facilities such
public aspiration for a better living environment and greater   as the container port. In order to prevent out-of-context
certainty in the statutory planning system, the OZPs            buildings in the area, the Kwai Chung OZP No. S/KC/26
have been progressively reviewed to stipulate, where            was exhibited on 20 April 2012 mainly to incorporate
appropriate, development restrictions to guide future           building height restrictions for various development
development and redevelopment. Up to the end of 2011,           zones not yet subject to such restriction.
the Board had reviewed 32 OZPs to incorporate building
height and/or PR restrictions. Another three OZPs were          The building height concept for Kwai Chung aimed
reviewed in the period from 2012 to 2014. In determining        at exemplifying the valley-like terrain of the area while
the building height restrictions, the Board would generally     preserving the backdrop of Golden Hill, with higher
take into account relevant considerations including urban       building height bands near the MTR stations while
design, local topography and characteristics, air ventilation,  lower building height bands along the waterfront area.
and the need to balance the public interests and private        The Kwai Chung Container Terminals at the gateway of
development right.                                              breezeway and adjacent to the visual corridor of Rambler
                                                                Channel were subject to building height restrictions
                                                                ranging from 25mPD to 110mPD to reflect their existing
                                                                building heights.

                                                                After giving consideration to the 13 representations and
                                                                1,925 comments on 12 and 26 October 2012 in respect
                                                                of the OZP, the Board decided not to propose any
                                                                amendment to the OZP to meet seven of the
                                                                representations and to defer consideration of the
                                                                remaining representations related the building height
                                                                restriction imposed on the Kwai Chung Container
                                                                Terminals. PlanD was requested to liaise with the
                                                                representers regarding their future expansion proposals
                                                                and to assess the cumulative impact of the proposals
                                                                for further consideration of the representations by the
                                                                Board. In April 2015, the Board further considered
                                                                these remaining representations and agreed to propose
                                                                amendments to the OZP.

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