Page 67 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 67

Other Amendment                                             In view of the vast number of representations and
                                                            comments received, the Board conducted a special
Central District (Extension) Outline Zoning Plan            meeting with 18 sessions held from November 2013
                                                            to February 2014 to consider the representations and
The location of the Central Military Dock (CMD) was         comments and adopted special meeting arrangements,
shown on the Central District (Extension) OZP when the      such as allotting a 10-minute speaking time to each
plan was first approved in 2000. As the detailed design     representer/commenter. During the hearing sessions,
and delineation of the CMD were later confirmed and the     the Board noted that CMD was needed by the Garrison
construction works were reaching their final stages, on     for defence purpose. The Garrison had agreed to open it
15 February 2013, the draft Central District (Extension)    to the public as a part of the promenade when it was not
OZP was exhibited for public inspection under section 7     in military use. The “OU(MU)1” zoning was considered
of the Ordinance to reflect the final delineation and the   appropriate to reflect the planning intention and the
land use of the CMD on the OZP by rezoning of CMD           primary use of the site. After giving consideration to the
from “O” to “OU” annotated “Military Use (1)” (“OU(MU)1”).  representations and comments in respect of the OZP, the
A total of 9,812 representations and 9,228 comments         Board decided on 14 February 2014 not to propose any
were received. Vast majority of the representations         amendment to the OZP.
and comments received were against the amendments,
mainly on the grounds of no justification for the proposed
change of zoning, no need for the CMD on the Central
harbourfront, adverse impact for people enjoying the
continuous harbourfront, the possible law enforcement
issues and insufficient consultation.

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