Page 64 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 64

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

West Kowloon Cultural District Development	

The West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) site originally  	 office uses (about 20% to 25%); residential uses (not
fell within the planning scheme boundary of the South      	 more than 20%) and GIC uses (not less than 1%);
West Kowloon OZP. The WKCDA submitted the WKCD             	 and
Development Plan, covering the WKCD site, to the Board
on 30 December 2011 for consideration under section        (d) 	 developments within different land use zones are
21 of the WKCDA Ordinance. The key development             	 subject to building height restrictions, including one
parameters included the following:                         	 to three storeys for “O” zone, and a building height
                                                           	 profile generally ranging from 30mPD to 100mPD
(a)	 a development area of about 40.91 ha, subject to      	 for other land use zones.
	 an overall maximum PR of 1.81. The maximum
	 GFA for the whole district is about 740,350m2, with      On 9 March 2012, the Board agreed that the WKCD
	 a maximum 20% of total GFA for residential use;          Development Plan was suitable for exhibition for public
                                                           inspection. On 30 March 2012, WKCD Development
(b) 	 provision of not less than 23 hectares of POS,       Plan was exhibited for public inspection, and on the
	 including 3 ha of piazza areas and a continuous          same day the WKCD site was excised from the South
	 waterfront promenade of not less than 20m in             West Kowloon OZP. After giving consideration to the 10
	 width;                                                   representations and three comments in respect of the
                                                           WKCD Development Plan on 28 September 2012, the
(c) 	 a balanced development including arts and cultural   Board decided not to propose any amendment to the
	 facilities (about 35% to 40% of the total GFA); retail/  Plan.
	 dining/entertainment uses (about 15% to 20%); hotel/
                                                                                   The draft WKCD Development Plan
                                                                                   was approved by CE in C on 8
                                                                                   January 2013, and was renumbered as

                                                           On 14 November 2014, the Board
                                                           approved a planning application (No.
                                                           A/K20/121) for minor relaxation of GFA
                                                           and building height restrictions for
                                                           developments in WKCD. The approved
                                                           scheme had a maximum total GFA
                                                           of 851,400m2 and a PR of 2.08. The
                                                           building height restrictions within the
                                                           height bands of 50mPD and 70mPD as
                                                           stipulated on the WKCD Development
                                                           Plan were relaxed by 7-14mPD, while
                                                           the building height restrictions in front of
                                                           Kowloon Station remained unchanged.

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