Page 29 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 29

Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017             Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017  27

                                   Part   3

                                   Other Major Work

                                   of 2015-2017

                                   Protecting the Countryside and Village Setting

                                   To strike a balance between the need for socio-economic development and
                                   protection of the natural scenic and rural character of the countryside from
                                   uncontrolled development, the Board has continued the preparation of OZPs for
                                   the country park enclaves, areas of ecological, conservation and/or heritage

                                   Country Park Enclaves

                                   There are 77 country park enclaves (enclaves) across the territory, of which 23 had
                                   been covered by OZPs before the Tai Long Sai Wan Incident in 2010. The Board
                                   completed the preparation of DPA Plans for enclaves in 2014, in which 22 DPA Plans
                                   covering 30 enclaves were gazetted. Since then, the Board had been taking steps to
                                   prepare OZPs to replace the DPA Plans . Apart from the 11 OZPs published in 2014
                                   or before, ten OZPs for the enclaves namely Chek Keng, Yung Shue O, Yi O, Pak
                                   Sha O and Pak Sha O Ha Yeung, Kuk Po, Fung Hang and Yung Shue Au, as well as
                                   Tai Tan, Uk Tau, Ko Tong and Ko Tong Ha Yeung, Tai Po Kau, Cheung Sheung, Ping
                                   Chau and Tai Ho were gazetted from 2015 to 2017.

                                   New Outline Zoning Plans Covering Enclaves

                                   *Tai Long Sai Wan was already incorporated into the respective country park with effect from 30 December 2013.
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