Page 34 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 34

32  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017

            Central Market

            The Central Market, which is a Grade 3 historic building, falls within an area zoned
            “OU” annotated “Building with Historical and Architectural Interests Preserved for
            Commercial, Cultural and/or Community Uses” on the approved Central District
            OZP No. S/H4/16 and subject to a maximum building height of four storeys and a
            provision of public open space (POS) of not less than 1,000 m². New development
            or major works including any demolition of the façades and special architectural
            features of the building requires permission from the Board. The planning
            application (No. A/H4/94), submitted by URA proposing a “Minimal Intervention”
            approach for the restoration of the building, was approved with conditions on 18
            March 2016 by of the Board. The approval conditions related to the detailed design
            proposal for the new façade facing Des Voeux Road Central and the market stall
            preservation plan were subsequently agreed by the Board on 14 September 2016.

            Existing Site Condition of Central Market

            The Carrick at Coombe Road
            The Carrick situated at 23 Coombe Road is a Grade 1 historic building, which is
            zoned “GB” on The Peak Area OZP. After considering the planning application
            (No. Y/H14/4) under section 12A of the Ordinance made by the owner of Carrick
            on 6 November 2015 to facilitate a non-in-situ land exchange for its preservation,
            the Board agreed to rezone a piece of government land opposite to 23 Coombe
            Road from “GB” to “Residential (Group C)6” with a plot ratio restriction of 0.5 and
            building height restriction of two storeys (including carports) and 260mPD mainly
            to reflect the existing development parameters of Carrick. On 29 April 2016,
            the draft The Peak Area OZP No. S/H14/12 incorporated with the corresponding
            amendments was exhibited for public inspection. After giving consideration to the
            1,638 representations and 40 comments, the Board decided on 10 March 2017 not to
            propose any amendment to the draft OZP. The draft OZP was approved by the CE in
            C on 27 March 2018 and renumbered as S/H14/13.
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