Page 30 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 30

28  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017

            The planning objectives of the statutory plans for the enclaves are to preserve
            their natural environment and rural setting whilst allowing for sustainable
            village development therein, in that a proper balance should be struck between
            conservation and social development needs. The conservation-led approach had
            been adopted in formulating the land use zonings of the OZPs, on which most of the
            land in the enclaves were protected by conservation zonings including “CA”, “CPA”,
            “Site of Special Scientific Interest” and “GB” zones. With the incremental approach
            for the designation of the “V” zones at suitable locations around the existing village
            clusters so as to avoid undesirable disturbances to the natural environment and to
            achieve a more orderly development pattern, efficient use of land and provision
            of infrastructure and services, village development would also be allowed in a
            sustainable manner in the enclaves.

            Pak Sha O Outline Zoning Plan
            Noting that Pak Sha O and Pak Sha O Ha Yeung are well-preserved outstanding
            vernacular Hakka villages, and that the heritage value of historic buildings partly
            lies in their original physical environment, any possible adverse impact on the
            village setting should be avoided. To this end, on the draft Pak Sha O OZP exhibited
            on 4 December 2015, the existing village clusters are zoned “V(1)” where new
            house development (New Territories Exempted House (NTEH) only) and any
            demolition of or any addition, alteration and/or modification to or replacement/
            redevelopment of an existing building would require planning permission from the
            Board.  In view of the significant shortfall of land for Small House development, a “V”
            zone separated from the old villages was designated for village expansion. To avoid
            possible adverse visual impact to the village setting, after giving consideration
            to the 1,806 representations and 36 comments, the Board on 22 July 2016 decided
            to partially uphold 1,292 representations by amending the Notes of the OZP to
            the effect that any NTEH in the separated “V” zone would also require planning
            permission from the Board. The draft OZP was approved by the CE in C on 25 April
            2017 and renumbered as S/NE-PSO/2.

            Pak Sha O OZP

                                                Existing Site Condition of Pak Sha O
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