Page 32 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 32

30  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017

            Urban Renewal and Heritage Preservation

            On urban renewal and heritage preservation, the Board considered two
            development scheme plans (DSPs) in Hung Hom and proposals regarding two
            historic buildings, namely the Central Market and the Carrick at Coombe Road.
            Based on the recommendations of the Kowloon City District Urban Renewal Forum
            Study, the URA had initiated a number of renewal projects in Hung Hom/To Kwa
            Wan area through holistic master planning including two DSPs.

            Draft URA Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street DSP

            The DSP with a total area of about 2,475 m  covers Chun Tin Street, a portion of Sung
            Chi Street and the adjoining pavement in Hok Yuen Street as well as a row of old
            and dilapidated tenement buildings bounded by Chun Tin Street, Hok Yuen Street
            and Sung Chi Street. The Development Scheme (DS) area was zoned “R(A)7” and
            subject to a maximum domestic and non-domestic gross floor area of 12,270 m  and
            2,454 m  respectively as well as maximum building height of 120mPD. According
            to the notional scheme submitted by URA, one residential tower over a commercial
            podium with basement car park was proposed. It was estimated that about 310 flats
            would be provided.

            On 28 October 2016, the draft URA Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street DSP No. S/K9/
            URA1/1 was exhibited for public inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance. After
            giving consideration to the 348 representations and eight comments, the Board on
            4 August 2017 decided not to propose any amendment to meet the representations.
            The draft URA DSP was approved by the CE in C on 31 October 2017 and
            renumbered as S/K9/URA1/2.

            Approved URA Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street DSP

                                                 Existing Site Condition of Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street
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