Page 31 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 31

Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017             Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017  29

                                   Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan

                                   The planning framework for the Po Toi Islands is to protect the natural scenic
                                   character of the area from the uncontrolled developments and avoid disturbances
                                   to area with high ecological, landscape and geological values.  In the preparation
                                   of various land use zones, consideration had been given to the natural environment,
                                   physical landform, existing land use pattern, demand for Small Houses and
                                   availability of infrastructure and local development opportunities. The draft Po
                                   Toi Islands OZP No. S/I-PTI/1 was exhibited for public inspection on 27 February
                                   2015. After giving consideration to the 813 representations and 1,462 comments,
                                   the Board on 5 November 2015 decided to partially uphold 741 representations by
                                   reducing the area of the “Residential (Group D)” (“R(D)”) zone taking into account
                                   in-situ physical features, conservation value of trees and vegetation, compatibility
                                   with the surrounding land uses as well as the planning intention for the area. On 11
                                   December 2015, the Board agreed to the proposed amendments to the draft OZP to
                                   rezone parts of the original “R(D)” zone to “CPA” and “GB” respectively.

            Existing Condition of Po Toi (Tai Wan)                 Proposed Rezoning from “R(D)” to “CPA” and “GB”

                                   On 22 January 2016, the proposed amendments to the draft OZP were published
                                   for further representations. After giving consideration to the 148 further
                                   representations and the related representations and comments, the Board on 13
                                   June 2016 decided not to uphold the further representations and agreed to amend
                                   the draft OZP by the proposed amendments. The draft OZP was approved by the
                                   CE in C on 30 August 2016 and renumbered as S/I-PTI/2.
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