Page 38 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 38

36  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017

            Amendments to Master Schedule of
            Notes to Statutory Plans (MSN),
            Definition of Terms used in Statutory Plans (DoT)
            and Broad Use Terms (BUT)

            On 16 June 2017, the Board agreed and promulgated the revised MSN, DoT and
            BUT, which included (i) incorporation of ‘Arts Studio (excluding those involving
            direct provision of services or goods)’ in the MSN as an always permitted use
            in the “Industrial” zone, and Schedule II of the “OU” annotated “Business” and
            “Residential (Group E)” zones; (ii) revision to the DoT and BUT of ‘Public Utility
            Installation’ (‘PUI’) and DoT of ‘Sewage Treatment/Screening Plant’ to include
            small-scale sewage treatment/screening plants provided by the Government with a
            treatment capacity of less than 5 000 m  per day as ‘PUI’; (iii) addition of a new term,
            ‘Technology-based Crop and Aquaculture Production (excluding those involving
            direct provision of customer services or goods)’ which can be regarded as ‘Non-
            polluting Industrial Use’, to the DoT to allow for emerging uses such as hydroponics
            and aquaculture in industrial and industrial-office buildings; (iv) revision to the
            BUT of ‘Government Use’ and ‘Office’ so that government offices in commercial
            buildings would be considered as ‘Office’; and (v) other minor/technical
            amendments, including that related to the DoT of ‘Cooked Food Centre’.

            Electronic Planning Application Submission
            System (EPASS)

            To  allow  for  electronic  submission  of  planning
            applications and review, the EPASS was set up and rolled
            out on 18 December 2015. It provides an additional channel
            for the public to submit applications for amendment of plan
            under section 12A, planning permission under section
            16, amendment to permission under section 16A as well
            as review under section 17 of the Ordinance in electronic
            format. To facilitate the implementation of EPASS, a
            new set of guidance notes providing information on the
            requirements and procedures for making electronic
            submission (e-submission), and new electronic application
            forms (e-forms), which were similar to the set of application
            forms for paper-based submission, have been prepared
            and endorsed by the Board for use. The guidance notes
            and e-forms are available on the Board’s website.
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