Page 36 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 36

34  Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017        Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017

            Housing Development in Yuen Long South

            With the growing concern on the territorial housing demand, the 2013 Policy
            Address announced the review of the Yuen Long South (YLS) area, part of which
            was mainly used for industrial purposes or temporary storage, or deserted. As one
            of the major land development projects, the aim of the review was to transform the
            brownfield sites in YLS into a liveable and green community.

            There are about 100 ha of land located to the immediate south of Yuen Long New
            Town, which have been zoned “Undetermined” (“U”) on the prevailing Tong Yan
            San Tsuen OZP pending further detailed studies on the appropriate long-term land
            use. The “U” zone is mainly occupied by brownfield operations. In November 2012,
            PlanD and CEDD jointly commissioned the Planning and Engineering Study for
            Housing Sites in YLS – Investigation (the YLS Study) to examine the development
            potential of the degraded brownfield land in YLS, including the “U” zone, for
            housing purpose and other uses with supporting infrastructure and community
            facilities, and to improve the existing environment.

            Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South  Major Land Uses Under Recommended Outline Development Plan
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