Page 37 - Town Planning Board Report 2015-2017
P. 37

Part   3  Other Major Work of 2015-2017             Town Planning Board Report 2015 - 2017  35

                                   The Board was briefed on the Draft RODP on 29 January 2016 as part of the Stage
                                   3 Community Engagement (CE3) of the YLS Study. Members provided views
                                   on the traffic impact to be generated, the planning and urban design aspects
                                   including the open space/green space system, the adequacy of land reserved for
                                   storage and workshop uses, integration of proposed developments and existing
                                   villages, etc. Taking into account the public comments received in CE3 and
                                   the recommendations from various technical assessments, the draft RODP had
                                   been revised and finalised for formulation of the RODP. The finalised RODP was
                                   submitted to the Board for consideration on 1 September 2017. Due to the urgent
                                   need for provision of housing land, the statutory plan making process would start in
                                   parallel pending the finalization of the relevant studies, noting that changes could
                                   be made when the findings of the relevant studies became available. The draft
                                   OZP would be prepared based on the recommendations of the RODP and would be
                                   submitted to the Board for consideration after completion of the Study.

                                   Town Planning Board Guidelines

                                   The Board promulgated two revised sets of Town Planning Board Guidelines in 2015
                                   to 2017. The sets of guidelines in force in 2017 remains as 32.

                                   Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on Publication of
                                   Applications for Amendment of Plan, Planning Permission and
                                   Review and Submission of Comments on Various Applications
                                   (TPB PG-No. 30B)
                                   The revised set of Guidelines (TPB PG-No. 30B) was promulgated on 18 December
                                   2015 in conjunction with the launch of the Electronic Planning Submission System.
                                   A new statement advising that e-forms, which are available on the Board’s website,
                                   could be used to submit planning applications under the Ordinance has been
                                   added to the revised guidelines.

                                   Revised Town Planning Board Guidelines on Designation of
                                   “Comprehensive Development Area” (“CDA”) Zones and
                                   Monitoring the Progress of “CDA” Developments (TPB PG-No. 17A)

                                   The revised set of Guidelines (TPB PG-No. 17A) was promulgated on 1 April 2016
                                   to take on board the decisions of the two Planning Committees on the review cycle
                                   of “CDA” sites in order to streamline the workflow and assign higher priority to
                                   other more imminent planning work. The revised set of Guidelines has specified
                                   that after the first review of each “CDA” site conducted at the end of the third year
                                   since it designation, subsequent reviews will be carried out biennially, instead of
                                   annually under the existing mechanism.
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