Page 33 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 33


               Wah Fu Estate Adjoining Sites

               The partial uplifting of the administrative Pok Fu Lam Moratorium on development in Pok Fu Lam
               area had released five government sites adjoining Wah Fu Estate for development.  The Board on
               25 August 2017 agreed to the proposed amendments to the Pok Fu Lam OZP No. S/H10/15 to
               rezone these five sites from “O”, “G/IC” or “GB” to “R(A)” or “R(A)1” to facilitate public housing

               developments providing about 8,900 flats.  The developments on the five sites would also serve as
               major reception resources for future redevelopment of Wah Fu Estate and provide additional public
               housing and subsidised sale flats to meet the housing need.

               The draft Pok Fu Lam OZP No. S/H10/16, incorporating the amendments, was exhibited for public
               inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance on 15 September 2017.  After giving consideration to the

               4,336 representations and 146 comments, the Board on 22 June 2018 decided not to propose any
               amendment to the draft OZP.  The draft OZP was approved by the CE in C on 21 August 2018 and
               renumbered as S/H10/17.

               Sites rezoned to “R(A)” or “R(A)1”

                                                    Development Concept Plan (Indicative Only)

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