Page 31 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 31

During the report period, the Board also completed the hearings of representations and comments

               in respect of the proposed amendments to various OZPs for sites rezoned for residential use.  Most
               of sites are located within the Tuen Mun and Tseung Kwan O OZPs.  The OZPs were subsequently
               approved by the CE in C.

               Tuen Mun

               The Board on 13 October 2017 agreed to the proposed amendments to the approved Tuen Mun OZP
               No. S/TM/33 to rezone five sites in Tuen Mun Central mainly zoned “G/IC”, “O” and “GB” to “R(A)26”
               for public housing developments subject to a maximum plot ratio of 6.5 and a maximum building
               height ranging from 125 to 150mPD, and one site in Tuen Mun Area 48 from “GB” to “R(B)20” for
               private housing development subject to a maximum plot ratio of 4 and a maximum building height
               of 90mPD.  These six sites would provide a total of about 10,730 and 940 public and private housing
               flats respectively, accommodating a population of about 32,100.

               The draft Tuen Mun OZP No. S/TM/34, incorporating the amendments amongst others, were
               exhibited for public inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance on 3 November 2017.  After giving
               consideration to the 4,409 representations and 2,859 comments, the Board on 26 October 2018
               decided not to propose any amendment to the draft OZP.  The draft OZP was approved by the CE in
               C on 11 December 2018 and renumbered as S/TM/35.

               Sites rezoned for residential use in Tuen Mun

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