Page 34 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 34

2   Highlights of 2018-2020

               Mei Tung Estate

               Mei Tung Estate is an aged public housing estate.  The Hong Kong Housing Authority proposed
               to redevelop two older blocks of the estate into four residential blocks with the number of flats
               increased from the existing 700 to about 2,600.  To take forward the redevelopment proposal and to
               optimise the plot ratio permissible under the OZP, the Board agreed on 3 May 2019 to rezone the site
               from “R(A)” to “R(A)1” with relaxation of the building height restrictions from 60mPD to 120mPD
               for the eastern portion and from 80mPD to 140mPD for the western portion taking into account the

               abutting completed redevelopments thereat.

               The draft Wang Tau Hom and Tung Tau OZP No. S/K8/22, incorporating the amendments amongst
               others, was exhibited for public inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance on 24 May 2019.  After
               giving consideration to one representation and one comment, the Board on 22 November 2019
               decided not to propose any amendment to the draft OZP.  The draft OZP was approved by the CE in

               C on 3 March 2020 and renumbered as S/K8/23.

               Redevelopment of Mei Tung House and Mei Po House

                                 Relaxation of building height restrictions

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