Page 48 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 48

3   Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               The amendments to the three draft OZPs were exhibited for public inspection under section 7 of the
               Ordinance on 3 April 2020.  After giving consideration to the representations and comments , the
               Board on 13 November 2020 decided not to uphold those representations and comments made in
               respect of draft Hoi Ha and So Lo Pun OZPs.  The two draft OZPs were subsequently approved by the
               CE in C on 16 March 2021 and renumbered as S/NE-HH/4 and S/NE-SLP/4 respectively.  For the Pak
               Lap OZP, the Board agreed that an incremental approach should be adopted for the designation of
               the ā€œVā€ zone and decided to partially uphold some of the representations by proposing amendments
               to the draft OZP (No. S/SK-PL/3) to further reduce the extent of the ā€œVā€ zone.  The proposed

               amendment was published under section 6C(2) of the Ordinance on 22 January 2021.  After giving
               consideration to the 86 further representations, the Board on 23 April 2021 noted the supportive
               views of some further representations and decided not to uphold the adverse further representations
               and amend the draft OZP by the proposed amendment.  The draft OZP was approved by the CE in C
               on 5 October 2021 and renumbered as S/SK-PL/4.

               Approved Hoi Ha OZP No. S/NE-HH/4

               Approved So Lo Pun OZP No. S/NE-SLP/4

                  There were 20 representations and 60 comments on Hoi Ha OZP, 53 representations and 66 comments on So Lo Pun OZP, and
                 17 representations and 61 comments on Pak Lap OZP.

    46         TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT  2018-2020
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